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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forza Horizon and Halo 4 Prove 360 is a magical Beast!

Horizon looks great, for sure. But Halo 4, imo, now takes the crown of console graphics king. The last quarter of the campaign is stunning to behold. (and I kinda despise my 360)

Edit: I did just pop in my copy of KZ2 and its still massively impressive, probably need to get KZ3 again and compare them side by side, and there appears to be a whole lot more going on in any given seen in the killzone games, but I'm still leaning towards Halo 4. 


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Pjams said:

Horizon looks great, for sure. But Halo 4, imo, now takes the crown of console graphics king. The last quarter of the campaign is stunning to behold. (and I kinda despise my 360)

Edit: I did just pop in my copy of KZ2 and its still massively impressive, probably need to get KZ3 again and compare them side by side, and there appears to be a whole lot more going on in any given seen in the killzone games, but I'm still leaning towards Halo 4. 

I did that with KZ3, I thought my memory was maybe making it look better then it was. Not so, the ice sea level with the jetpack was even better then I remembered, as well as the mobile factory and the mawlr. During the escape from the mawlr I felt like curling up in a ball and wait for all the violence to be over, pure sensory overload. The forest section with the different sunlight is also still one of the best alien planet experiences.
Ship interiors are better in Halo 4, and the cutscenes. KZ3 really dropped the ball on that one.

SvennoJ said:
Pjams said:

Horizon looks great, for sure. But Halo 4, imo, now takes the crown of console graphics king. The last quarter of the campaign is stunning to behold. (and I kinda despise my 360)

Edit: I did just pop in my copy of KZ2 and its still massively impressive, probably need to get KZ3 again and compare them side by side, and there appears to be a whole lot more going on in any given seen in the killzone games, but I'm still leaning towards Halo 4. 

I did that with KZ3, I thought my memory was maybe making it look better then it was. Not so, the ice sea level with the jetpack was even better then I remembered, as well as the mobile factory and the mawlr. During the escape from the mawlr I felt like curling up in a ball and wait for all the violence to be over, pure sensory overload. The forest section with the different sunlight is also still one of the best alien planet experiences.
Ship interiors are better in Halo 4, and the cutscenes. KZ3 really dropped the ball on that one.

Yeah, I think I'm going to go pick it up from gamestop and play through again, maybe I'll get the collection


FatalInertia said:
Mr Puggsly said:
VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Halo 4 is by far the best looking game I've ever seen.

Frankly I don't care if Sony fans agree. I just hope this ends all the debate about PS3 being more powerful.

Uh, it still is. That goes without saying.
It's 2012, there is enough information out there that proves it. 

Halo vs Killzone, Forza vs this point it all comes down to preference. No one can argue that these games are technically stunning and made by amazing and talented developers.

If it is, we're still waiting for it to be demonstrated.

Uncharted 2 and 3. Killzone 3. God of War 3.

These 4 games have demonstrated the power of the PS3 for years now. It took developers 7 years to develop a game that can compete with these PS3 exclusives. And supposedly the Xbox 360 was easier to develop do you explain that?

With that I'm done here. 

The 360 already had games at par with the best looking PS3 games. Gears of War 3, Forza 4, and Halo Reach are examples. Halo 4 just surpassed anything PS3 has to offer.

The 360 is easier to develop for. Refer to Skyrim.

halo reach? LMAO. that game was average at the time. please. never was a graphical beast. No none of those games looked as good as uc2, kz, or god of war, digital foundry, lens of truth, numerous publications show that. halo 4 just finally came close to the ps3's best, it still doesnt top them, again see digital foundry. It's obvious your not use to seeing such graphics cause halo 4 does nothing ps3 hasn't done betetr for years.

People were boasting about Halo Reach graphics. Just not nearly as Sony fans when it comes to PS3 exclusives.

Reach looks just as impressive as UC2 or KZ3 and arguably better if you the larger open enviornments. UC2 and KZ3 also have FMV cutscenes, Reach does not. Reach is a more impressive game.

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FatalInertia said:
ZaneWane said:
halo does more impressive stuff on bigger scale

No it doesn't the scale in God of war is beyond that of halo 4. halo 4 is nice looking but its not at the level of Uncharted and its insane detail, or god of wars scale.


The ps3 uses a technique called MLAA were cell is used to augment the gpu, smooting everything out and allowing for more detail. 360 cannot do this, its why Uc2, Killzone 3 and GOWE are still the graphics king. LEave it to peeps like selnor to keep showing their obvious bias. No reviews or digital foundry are saying anything like what the OP is saying. Its the best looking 360 game it is closer to Uc2, Killzone and God of war but doesnt top them.

God of War is not as open as Halo 4 lol. Just large bosses. While Killzone had a vomity looking color palette. But when it comes to UC... respect. 


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FatalInertia said:
ZaneWane said:
halo does more impressive stuff on bigger scale

No it doesn't the scale in God of war is beyond that of halo 4. halo 4 is nice looking but its not at the level of Uncharted and its insane detail, or god of wars scale.


The ps3 uses a technique called MLAA were cell is used to augment the gpu, smooting everything out and allowing for more detail. 360 cannot do this, its why Uc2, Killzone 3 and GOWE are still the graphics king. LEave it to peeps like selnor to keep showing their obvious bias. No reviews or digital foundry are saying anything like what the OP is saying. Its the best looking 360 game it is closer to Uc2, Killzone and God of war but doesnt top them.

fixed camera and corridor based dont compete

Mr Puggsly said:
FatalInertia said:
Mr Puggsly said:
VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Halo 4 is by far the best looking game I've ever seen.

Frankly I don't care if Sony fans agree. I just hope this ends all the debate about PS3 being more powerful.

Uh, it still is. That goes without saying.
It's 2012, there is enough information out there that proves it. 

Halo vs Killzone, Forza vs this point it all comes down to preference. No one can argue that these games are technically stunning and made by amazing and talented developers.

If it is, we're still waiting for it to be demonstrated.

Uncharted 2 and 3. Killzone 3. God of War 3.

These 4 games have demonstrated the power of the PS3 for years now. It took developers 7 years to develop a game that can compete with these PS3 exclusives. And supposedly the Xbox 360 was easier to develop do you explain that?

With that I'm done here. 

The 360 already had games at par with the best looking PS3 games. Gears of War 3, Forza 4, and Halo Reach are examples. Halo 4 just surpassed anything PS3 has to offer.

The 360 is easier to develop for. Refer to Skyrim.

halo reach? LMAO. that game was average at the time. please. never was a graphical beast. No none of those games looked as good as uc2, kz, or god of war, digital foundry, lens of truth, numerous publications show that. halo 4 just finally came close to the ps3's best, it still doesnt top them, again see digital foundry. It's obvious your not use to seeing such graphics cause halo 4 does nothing ps3 hasn't done betetr for years.

People were boasting about Halo Reach graphics. Just not nearly as Sony fans when it comes to PS3 exclusives.

Reach looks just as impressive as UC2 or KZ3 and arguably better if you the larger open enviornments. UC2 and KZ3 also have FMV cutscenes, Reach does not. Reach is a more impressive game.

LMAO reach is way below many titles and is not close to KZ 2 or 3 uncharted, god of war, etc... or even gears of war 2, get real. No one was praising reach's graphcis when it launched it was not its strong point. Read digital or lens opf truth, the game is average graphically, you're obviously biased.

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
FatalInertia said:
ZaneWane said:
halo does more impressive stuff on bigger scale

No it doesn't the scale in God of war is beyond that of halo 4. halo 4 is nice looking but its not at the level of Uncharted and its insane detail, or god of wars scale.


The ps3 uses a technique called MLAA were cell is used to augment the gpu, smooting everything out and allowing for more detail. 360 cannot do this, its why Uc2, Killzone 3 and GOWE are still the graphics king. LEave it to peeps like selnor to keep showing their obvious bias. No reviews or digital foundry are saying anything like what the OP is saying. Its the best looking 360 game it is closer to Uc2, Killzone and God of war but doesnt top them.

God of War is not as open as Halo 4 lol. Just large bosses. While Killzone had a vomity looking color palette. But when it comes to UC... respect. 

Open is not scale... god of war renders amazing detail and scale that far surpasses halo, the titans and large battles in huge vistas were and still are a technical marvel...... again, you have no clue what you are talking about.

ZaneWane said:
FatalInertia said:
ZaneWane said:
halo does more impressive stuff on bigger scale

No it doesn't the scale in God of war is beyond that of halo 4. halo 4 is nice looking but its not at the level of Uncharted and its insane detail, or god of wars scale.


The ps3 uses a technique called MLAA were cell is used to augment the gpu, smooting everything out and allowing for more detail. 360 cannot do this, its why Uc2, Killzone 3 and GOWE are still the graphics king. LEave it to peeps like selnor to keep showing their obvious bias. No reviews or digital foundry are saying anything like what the OP is saying. Its the best looking 360 game it is closer to Uc2, Killzone and God of war but doesnt top them.

fixed camera and corridor based dont compete

Obviously they do, graphics are graphics the camera is irrelevamt..................... They look better then halo so they obviously compete quite well. Not to mention the graphical scale of god of war puts halo to shame, and the detail in uncharted also does with the world chocked full of detail.

Uncharted is not cooridoor based, and halo is also linear.

Guys, why does this matter? I haven't played Halo 4 yet but I'm sure it looks great. But not as great as some would claim. Everytime a new big name shooter comes out people talk about how the graphics are the best ever and how they make everything else look old.

As for Horizons, I've played it. I looks good, but I wasn't really wowed.