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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
FatalInertia said:
ZaneWane said:
halo does more impressive stuff on bigger scale

No it doesn't the scale in God of war is beyond that of halo 4. halo 4 is nice looking but its not at the level of Uncharted and its insane detail, or god of wars scale.


The ps3 uses a technique called MLAA were cell is used to augment the gpu, smooting everything out and allowing for more detail. 360 cannot do this, its why Uc2, Killzone 3 and GOWE are still the graphics king. LEave it to peeps like selnor to keep showing their obvious bias. No reviews or digital foundry are saying anything like what the OP is saying. Its the best looking 360 game it is closer to Uc2, Killzone and God of war but doesnt top them.

God of War is not as open as Halo 4 lol. Just large bosses. While Killzone had a vomity looking color palette. But when it comes to UC... respect. 

Open is not scale... god of war renders amazing detail and scale that far surpasses halo, the titans and large battles in huge vistas were and still are a technical marvel...... again, you have no clue what you are talking about.