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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Halo 4 will sell 7,793,000+ in 2012

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man-bear-pig said:

Here are my Halo 4 weekly sales predictions for the rest of the year. I've found them by using the percentage weekly changes of similar titles released at similar times of the year.

W.E. 10th Nov: 4,428,000 (4,428,000) ACTUAL: 3,798,209 (3,798,209)

W.E. 17th Nov: 713,000 (5,141,000) ACTUAL: 752,500 (4,550,709)

W.E. 24th Nov: 532,000 (5,673,000) ACTUAL: 607,817 (5,158,526)

W.E. 1st Dec: 356,000 (6,029,000) ACTUAL: 358,373 (5,516,899)

W.E. 8th Dec: 360,000 (6,389,000) ACTUAL: 395,719 (5,912,618)

W.E. 15th Dec: 403,000 (6,792,000) ACTUAL: 530,538 (6,443,550)

W.E. 22nd Dec: 480,000 (7,272,000) PROJECTED: 540,000

W.E. 29th Dec: 378,000 (7,650,000)

W.E. 5th Jan: 143,000 (7,793,000)

2012 Total: 7,793,000


587,000 added bringing the number up to 7,030,550. This will be close. If Halo 4 has 2 good weeks, he might just hit his prediction. Well done either way.

Sales would have to stay high to do so, 762,450  in the next 2 weeks. Not likely but you never know if this next week is a big sales week or not. Lots of giftcards for gamestop, I got one. I hope it does, was a great game.

Around the Network

I think 7 million it allready got is good enough for 2 months of sales. Everything else is a bonus.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


I am really afraid that Halo 4 is a bit of overtracked in Europe becase if you look at those PAL charts, Halo 4 didn't break into Top 10 in many countries last few weeks.

I hope Halo 4 can reach 7million milestone by the year end. God bless Master Chief~!!!

pezus said:

600k this week? 

pezus said:

Still, I think you will be closer to reality than Slimebeast. ~7m, possibly as much as 7.5m I'd say

This words

Would you like me to help you pat yourself on the back? LOL


kowenicki said:

Can we get an update to the OP?

Man Bear appears to have a little 'banned' tag under his name, so probably not until that runs out.

Around the Network

Why was man-bear banned??


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
Why was man-bear banned??

Just click on his profile. 



Another fantastic week this week!

I'll update the OP now...

OP updated. It's outperformed my predictions for every week apart from week 1!

7.4m+ in 2012 is inevitable.