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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo 4 gets a 20/100 on Meta, proves eview system is broken.

Now checking all the reviews from this site I can say the reviewer is not a PS3 fanboy or any fanboy at all... and the 1 star score is common.

Seems like 1 star is a average game for him...

Borderlands 2 is a 5 stars.

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This is some strait up rediculous crap at this point.

No game should EVER get a 20 / 100 unless it is completly broken and unplayable. Something we ALL know it isn't.

I knew there would be bull shit reviews for this game just for the sake of it. I called this before any of the reviews started coming in. Halo is such a huge franchise it gets random haters who will bash it just for attention.

what are you all talking about. Halo is a product there is no right or wrong, everyone has a diferent opinion on every product. Not every one is going to like Halo and everyone is entitled to their opinion. get over it. It doesnt change how much YOU enjoy the game

Oh God... this dude is famous...

He score Uncharted 3 and Journey 2/5.

This guy's review makes no sense. Reminds me of EGM's GT5 review and the AV clubs Uncharted 3 review. Its obvious this guy did it to gain some publicity. So I'm not going to pay and heed to him or that website.

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Signalstar said:
This site has 93 reviews and its on Metacritic. gamrReview has over 1000 review and we are not counted.

that's because you have to make minimum one attention whoring review in your live to get recognized by everyone including metacritic.

now this site gets 500x more attention in one week as it got in 5 years before...everyone should just ignore those attention whoring sites but instead of that everyone is visiting the site then.

Bristow9091 said:
This has made me smile :)

Does it make you feel all warm inside?

Oh no someone gave it a 20/100? I guess this means no one will buy this game. Get over it please.

Ouch guess everyones aloud to have there own opinion:/

Here his Uncharted 3 review...


I knew I had seen his reviews before.