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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2012 Election Center: The Main Event - Obama Wins


Of the two main candidates for president, who will win?

Barack Obama 245 75.85%
Mitt Romney 73 22.60%
HappySqurriel said:
Kasz216 said:
the_dengle said:
mrstickball said:

4 years from now, you will have 8 years of federal policy dictated by Obama.

Sweet. After only 4 years under Obama, my parents' 401k is back where it was before the '08 crash, plus some. We are, as some might say, "better off than we were four years ago." I'm quite optimistic about the next four years.

Yeah, that's the thing.  Obama has been great for anybody who owns stocks.

Everyone else kinda got fucked though.

That is only true if you don't consider inflation or the devaulation of the currency:

If your investments increase by 50% but you can only buy 66% as much stuff with a dollar you've essentially broken even.

Well personally my investments actually went up 400%... though i get your point.

Either way, people with money on Wallstreet at the very least have been much less screwed.


Which is the great irony of the election. 

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rocketpig said:

The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. The more they tie themselves to the religious right, the less influence they will have in national elections (or even state elections, the Senate races proved that last night).

If they ran on a platform of pure economic reform, they'd get back a lot of votes, including mine.

I'm damned proud of my state for what they did yesterday. Minnesota blocked a Voter ID amendment, blocked a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and almost kicked Mrs. CrazyTown, Michele Bachmann, out of Congress.

Maybe 2014.

I'm afraid I don't know much about politics in Minnesota, but why do you think Bachmann keeps getting elected? Surely, a rival candidate need only release an advertisement showing a string of her crazy quotations, then sit back and let the votes come in?

Veknoid_Outcast said:
rocketpig said:

The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. The more they tie themselves to the religious right, the less influence they will have in national elections (or even state elections, the Senate races proved that last night).

If they ran on a platform of pure economic reform, they'd get back a lot of votes, including mine.

I'm damned proud of my state for what they did yesterday. Minnesota blocked a Voter ID amendment, blocked a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and almost kicked Mrs. CrazyTown, Michele Bachmann, out of Congress.

Maybe 2014.

I'm afraid I don't know much about politics in Minnesota, but why do you think Bachmann keeps getting elected? Surely, a rival candidate need only release an advertisement showing a string of her crazy quotations, then sit back and let the votes come in?

Her district is super-conservative and to keep her in office, her district was restructured to be even MORE conservative in this election.

And she still only received 50.5% of the vote. It's only a matter of time until Crazy Eyes is booted the fuck out of Congress and everyone will be the better for it.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Kasz216 said:

EDIT: No wait, they voted for statehood?   A lot of shit must of changed in 3 years.  I had a co-worker from puerto rico, and she said it was largely splitting to where it would stay how it was...

They did, but it was a meaningless referendum. Since Fortuno lost the governorship, I imagine they'll stick with the status quo.

badgenome said:
Kasz216 said:

EDIT: No wait, they voted for statehood?   A lot of shit must of changed in 3 years.  I had a co-worker from puerto rico, and she said it was largely splitting to where it would stay how it was...

They did, but it was a meaningless referendum. Since Fortuno lost the governorship, I imagine they'll stick with the status quo.

Can the governor block it or something?  Puerto rico needs to figure something out, its like they are in limbo...

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gergroy said:

Can the governor block it or something?  Puerto rico needs to figure something out, its like they are in limbo...

There's nothing to block, it was just sort of an official temperature taking of what people want to do. But Padilla is with the PDP, whose platform is essentially the status quo but with improvements (more autonomy for Puerto Rico, basically), so he's unlikely to pursue statehood.

Besides, the actual breakdown is trickier: 54% of people voted to change Puerto Rico's status. Of those, 61% want statehood while the rest want either the PDP solution or total independence.

gergroy said:
badgenome said:
Kasz216 said:

EDIT: No wait, they voted for statehood?   A lot of shit must of changed in 3 years.  I had a co-worker from puerto rico, and she said it was largely splitting to where it would stay how it was...

They did, but it was a meaningless referendum. Since Fortuno lost the governorship, I imagine they'll stick with the status quo.

Can the governor block it or something?  Puerto rico needs to figure something out, its like they are in limbo...

The best limbo ever.  Right now, Puerto Rico pays no federal taxes, but gets most of the benefits of statehood.

Congratz to Obama. I'm just disappointed Prop 30 didn't pass in CA. Everyone hears taxes go up even if on those who make 250k or more a year, and a small sales tax, then everyone gets a giant bug up their ass because they hear taxes will go up. I feel bad for all the students and teachers. It's going to be very rough now to get into classes.

Looks like Nate Silver was pretty spot on again.

smroadkill15 said:
Congratz to Obama. I'm just disappointed Prop 30 didn't pass in CA. Everyone hears taxes go up even if on those who make 250k or more a year, and a small sales tax, then everyone gets a giant bug up their ass because they hear taxes will go up. I feel bad for all the students and teachers. It's going to be very rough now to get into classes.

prop 30 is passing