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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which of the big three consoles manufactures put the most big name devs out of business this gen?

lilbroex said:
Jay520 said:

I believe the OP craves reasonable & honest discussion, and created this thread to encourage the exchange of everyone's opinion, with equal consideration for those opinions that differ from his own.

Your belieft is correct. Its always nice to see "reasonable"opinions. I put emphasis on "reasonable". Having a different opinion is fine but when you run into cases like Ethomez in the PS3/Bethesda thread it becomes a problem.

If you cannot support and stand behind your belief then it doesn't need to be stated. To, often to we see people who come in with b***h**t responses and nothing to back up their claim.

I am struggling to decifer this. I thought it was bat feces, but too many *s.

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Most of Sonys layoffs have been recent. I've been hearing out Microsoft closing down studios or laying off companies since 2008-2009. Nintendo, I haven't heard much at all.

lilbroex said:

The latter is what they ultimately did though, and a lot of those companies like Factor 5 and Free Radical jumped ship from Nintendo to Sony going against what you just said. Then there's Tales Studio which also destroyed itself by jumping to Sony(and urinating on its its fans with broken games on the other consoles).


So now you're including development teams that aren't doing what you want anymore?  Because last I checked Tales Studio was alive and well.  


Torillian said:
lilbroex said:

The latter is what they ultimately did though, and a lot of those companies like Factor 5 and Free Radical jumped ship from Nintendo to Sony going against what you just said. Then there's Tales Studio which also destroyed itself by jumping to Sony(and urinating on its its fans with broken games on the other consoles).


So now you're including development teams that aren't doing what you want anymore?  Because last I checked Tales Studio was alive and well.  

Last I checked Namco had shut them down due to their humongous debt and lack of profit, and that was a good while ago.


Also, how do you garner that what I want is facotring into this? No company has ever done what I want. If that were the case I would hate them all.

Nintendo. None of the multiplatform games like Skyrim, Borderlands, Assassins Creed released on the Wii due to not chasing the HD dream.

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Turkish said:
Nintendo. None of the multiplatform games like Skyrim, Borderlands, Assassins Creed released on the Wii due to not chasing the HD dream.

How has that put their respective developers out of business?

lilbroex said:
Torillian said:
lilbroex said:

The latter is what they ultimately did though, and a lot of those companies like Factor 5 and Free Radical jumped ship from Nintendo to Sony going against what you just said. Then there's Tales Studio which also destroyed itself by jumping to Sony(and urinating on its its fans with broken games on the other consoles).


So now you're including development teams that aren't doing what you want anymore?  Because last I checked Tales Studio was alive and well.  

Last I checked Namco had shut them down due to their humongous debt and lack of profit, and that was a good while ago.


Also, how do you garner that what I want is facotring into this? No company has ever done what I want. If that were the case I would hate them all.

Oh so Tales studio getting absorbed into Namco is what you meant.  Well considering how the Tales games are selling I highly doubt you can put this at Sony's doorstep.  Couldn't it just as easily be due to ToG's lackluster sales?  I mean ToGF outsold it on day one as a year old port as I recall.  


Andrespetmonkey said:
Turkish said:
Nintendo. None of the multiplatform games like Skyrim, Borderlands, Assassins Creed released on the Wii due to not chasing the HD dream.

How has that put their respective developers out of business?

Because those respective devs couldn't develop for the Wii thus were left out of business. :)

lilbroex said:
curl-6 said:
Laurel Aitken said:
They were not ready for HD development? They should have developed for Wii or handhelds

True to an extent, but it's not that simple.

Say a developer had developed a fanbase among Playstation or Xbox fans last generation; that could put them in the unenviable position of abandoning a large chunk of their fanbase and potentially losing sales by shifting to the Wii/DS/PSP, (or remaining on PS2) or developing for a system that where they might not be able to turn a profit, or even break even.

The latter is what they ultimately did though, and a lot of those companies like Factor 5 and Free Radical jumped ship from Nintendo to Sony going against what you just said. Then there's Tales Studio which also destroyed itself by jumping to Sony(and urinating on its its fans with broken games on the other consoles).

THey didn't stay where they had established a fanbase. I can only think of one big dev that went out of business developing for Nintendo this gen(the guys who made Trace Memory), but the rest had sucess on Nintendo's console even if its wasn't immediate. I'm waiting to see how the Oboro Port and the Little Kings Story ports do.

Tales devs still make Tales games. Last I heard they're doing Xilia 2.

Torillian said:
lilbroex said:
Torillian said:
lilbroex said:

The latter is what they ultimately did though, and a lot of those companies like Factor 5 and Free Radical jumped ship from Nintendo to Sony going against what you just said. Then there's Tales Studio which also destroyed itself by jumping to Sony(and urinating on its its fans with broken games on the other consoles).


So now you're including development teams that aren't doing what you want anymore?  Because last I checked Tales Studio was alive and well.  

Last I checked Namco had shut them down due to their humongous debt and lack of profit, and that was a good while ago.


Also, how do you garner that what I want is facotring into this? No company has ever done what I want. If that were the case I would hate them all.

Oh so Tales studio getting absorbed into Namco is what you meant.  Well considering how the Tales games are selling I highly doubt you can put this at Sony's doorstep.  Couldn't it just as easily be due to ToG's lackluster sales?  I mean ToGF outsold it on day one as a year old port as I recall.  

They gave incomplete games to the other consoles then gave full featured games to Sony. The problem is that it burned a lot of gamers. They bought games on those consoles and even those consoles themselves just to play the tales games. Then Sony exslusively got the final version where they could have given it to everyone.

The cost of devleoping on the PS3 raises the minimum sales required to make a profit as well compared to the other 2 consoles. They destryoed themselves pandering to Sony.