So many of my main complaints (shitty story, bad graphics, bad camera, T-Rex fight, continously spawning enemies, long loading times between deaths) haven't been fixed. Sounds still pretty crappy.
So many of my main complaints (shitty story, bad graphics, bad camera, T-Rex fight, continously spawning enemies, long loading times between deaths) haven't been fixed. Sounds still pretty crappy.
Barozi said: So many of my main complaints (shitty story, bad graphics, bad camera, T-Rex fight, continously spawning enemies, long loading times between deaths) haven't been fixed. Sounds still pretty crappy. |
you must have played the 360 version if the graphics are that bad and you have my condolences on that one.
You gotta love those internet badasses that win arguments they're in danger of losing by using privilege to silence opposition.
This will be my last post on this biased domain because the privileged egomaniacs that head it are insufferable.
Barozi, you are an immature douche. You lost an argument and jumped to using insults. Then you got mad, because I called you out on it and created your own, on the spot, infractions(that were just projecting what I called you out on back at me even though it didn't fit) out of thin air to ban my account and save your ego.
Torrilian, if you are really a writer then I can understand why game journalism has fallen to such lows.
Mr Khan, I always thought of you as one of the better moderators on here but you still banned me once for
Radishhead, if you have a problem with people expressing an opinion about not like what you love, then you are a sad, sad man.
Its one thing to speak against a moderater who is properlly moderating or to go against a warning(things I rarely saw), but another to be banned for not accepting their condescending opinions as fact in a normal, open conversation. I now see that there was really no point in following the rules, because even if you don't break them, they will just make something up at convenience then label it as breaking a rule and ban you for that. This speaks for every ban I've gotten really. Its hard to follow unwritten rules.
No permaban this account because I won't be coming back here. Note: That is a command, not a request. Dealing with manchildren of this caliber just is not worth the hassle when you actually have a life. Have fun writing your last insult or getting another mod to do it for you, to let you save face(which is more likely what will happen). I won't be reading it. I would delete this worthless forum account myself, but this site doesn't give the option for it.
It was nice having a few good and "intelligent" conversations on here with people that didn't take every bit of news they didn't like as a personal attack or an affront to their beloved company/console(Spurgeon, curl, you guys were cool.) Also, interacting with the clean cut fanboys that make up gaming journalism these day first hand has been the most educational of all. Now I know why gaming journalism is so terrible. The only qualificatoin most gaming journalists have is that they play some games and have a site to post their opinions on.
Strangest thing about this site is that even the top level trolled forumers. I would say the bias is unreal, but this actually isn't the first time I've seen such a thing. Generally, anyplace where tech is discussed, you will have hyperbiased moderation that will inact fascist law against opinion that are to far to the left of their ideals of supremecy.
May Sony burn in the hell it made for itself.(I don't really care about Sony or what happens to them one way or the other, but I figure I might as well actually troll once before going.)
Also, don't misunderstand. It is not my intent to throw dirt and run. Its just that all of the mods have shown complete inability to reason and will not exept any opinion contrary to their sovereign word likely typical fascist egomaniacs who have gotten a taste of power. I would gladly tell this directly to each and everyone of your face and laugh while you scramble to come with a rebuke but we all know that you would just ban me and get the last word in after the fact, so there can never be and actual discussion.
And to all the Sony/Microsoft fanboys who view me as the bane of their existent for consistently posting news and facts that aren't to their liking(Pezus, Kyliegod, Andrespetmonkey, Selnor, and the rest), rejoice for I am gone. Now you can troll the company you hate so much with complete freedom from being called out on it...assuming the mods don't beat you to it. lol.
Oh, and for all the PS3 owners, heres a link to the last PS3 jailbreak CFW so you can play Sony games for what they are truley worth. Nothing!
Also, heres a link to the PS3 Skyrim so you can see just how much shit the PS3 is.
Chandler said:
What do you mean?...someone posted the exact same thing over there?...I hardly visit gaf but talk about coincidence lol.
dahuman said:
Yes I did but looking at the analysis on Lens of Truth, the difference is not big enough to make a bad looking game even decent looking.
With the exception of Ryu the graphics are definitely below average.
Actually I thought it looked kinda okay when I watched the first gameplay trailer on Gametrailers, but playing it and seeing the graphics in action on your own screen is an entirely different thing.
Fact is there are 2006 games that are better looking than this.
Barozi said:
Yes I did but looking at the analysis on Lens of Truth, the difference is not big enough to make a bad looking game even decent looking. |
When I first read your post, I thought you said there were 2006 games that looked better than NG3. I was about to say, did actually count them all. LOL.....that's what I get for reading too fast.
Graphics could definitely stand some improvement.
They will prolly do another graphical comparison after the Wii U version of games come out, should be interesting :)