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Forums - Gaming Discussion - It's safe to say Sony lost this gen; 70 million Xbox 360's have been sold!

When do we get Sony's latest numbers?

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VGKing said:
Their PS3 data is hugely outdated. I have no intentions of reading the entire article when their paragrpah is full of misinformation and ingnorance.

Oh and BTW Gamesradar, the 70million Xbox 360 are SHIPPED, not SOLD.

(Any1 know when Sony and Nintendo will reveal their latest shipments?)

Ignore the OP and read the actual article. He cut out the second half where it states PS3 and 360 are head to head fighting each other.

This article is so weak.

63.9 million is March 31, 2012 compared with 70 million from September 30, 2012.

Wow comparing shipped X Box 360 numbers to date with sold PS3 numbers in March. The guys who wrote that artikle must be really sales experts.

Anyway congrats to Microsoft for making X Box 360 such an succesfull console.

kowenicki said:

I'm out of this thread though, nothing good will come of it.  Talking to Sony fans on this topic is like beating your head against a stoine wall.  They refuse the see the painfully bleeding obvious.

lol that's ironic.

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kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
kowenicki said:

Yeah Sony followed up the PS2 in sensational style.  By slaughtering their market share, driving the company into the floor, becoming a distant 3rd in the single biggest market and leaviong themselves a mountaing to climb with PS4.

You are unbelieveable, those rose tinted spectacles are stuck.


All the shit Sony did, yet theyre still equal with the 360 despite Microsoft(!)s best efforts.

Its quite funny watching Sony fuck up at every opportunity and still manage to keep up with the other guys.

A loyal fan base will do that. 

Sony abused that though.  And continue to do so. Maybe that loyalty will be tested again next gen, I expect it will.

I find it hilarious how people try and spin this gen as some kind of amazing performance by Sony.  The PS3 has been an unmitigated distater on every business measure you can think of.... every single one.

I'm out of this thread though, nothing good will come of it.  Talking to Sony fans on this topic is like beating your head against a stoine wall.  They refuse the see the painfully bleeding obvious.

Just because PS3 has sold less than half of what PS2 so far is disasterous is it!? If it's so bad, sony would off given up by now. 66 million is pretty good for a disaster ain't it? Sony should of continued to dominate the gaming industry but they didn't, so does it matter? not really. Sony has it's fanbase, Nintendo has it's fanbase and so does microsoft now, at least it ain't a 2 horse race between sony and nintendo, which it would be if xbox 360 failed.

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

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kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
kowenicki said:

I'm out of this thread though, nothing good will come of it.  Talking to Sony fans on this topic is like beating your head against a stoine wall.  They refuse the see the painfully bleeding obvious.

lol that's ironic.

why.  what have i said thats wrong smiley.

No. What you said is right... the ironic part is that it fits perfectly for you too.

Edit - Microsft fans = Sony fans = Nintendo fans = fans in general.

ethomaz said:
kowenicki said:

why.  what have i said thats wrong smiley.

No. What you said is right... the ironic part is that it fits perfectly for you too.

Oooooh, burn.

whoever wrote this article should've atleast waited until Sony and Nintendo released their current financials instead of using old data.

as for Sony; yes Sony's start was nowhere near what they expected,(maybe even now) but your have to give them some credit from turning what some people thought was the end of Sony's gaming division and turning what was a 8mil gap between the 360 and PS3 to around 2 mil in a little over 3 years and might have a chance on nabbing the 2nd spot before this gen is completely over

Old numbers vs new numbers. Professionnal ??