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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille


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When will people in this forum learn that catching up on 100+ posts is not the same as lurking and that people actually have things they do in their free time besides mafia >.>

Anyway, can't say I was happy with this pezus lynch, I don't really see what people had on him but whatever, at least it has let me get a town read out of spurge (he was a hell of a lot more methodically and careful two games ago when he was scum and last game when he was town he was playing more like he is this game. No offence to him but I don't think he has managed to change his scum play that much in two games). Also, I think DT has contradicted himself at some point, I might be wrong but I am checking it at the moment.

pezus said:
theprof00 said:
It would be pretty obvious scum move if thars what he did.
Ill keep an eye on him if you think its a good idea but i must preface that i havent seen him as scummy thus far, nor playing safely.

Well he voted for the timelimit (fourth vote iirc...) and then pulled this. 

I appear to have irritated you somewhat. Ironic considering the reason you are angry at me is because i gave you a chance. 

I unvoted Spurge because I got a town view on him. If i had voted you, it would have been the metaphorical nail in the coffin. Instead, I didn't vote you, as I was going afk for a substantial amount of time, so unable to look at VGChartz. This in mind, If people decided you weren't the one to vote for while i was offline, a single unvote would have saved you, instead of two. So really my "ultra scummy move" was to not ensure a lynch while i was afk. Kinda opposite of scummy to me. Either way, think of it as you wish, my vote wouldn't have made a difference in the end, enough town thought you were scum (or at least not worthy of saving) in my absence anyway. @Prof, please do keep an eye on me. I will enjoy knowing that a methodical player can confirm my lack of scum moves later on in the game. 

And I have explained why I voted timelimit when Stefl brought it up before. I'll go back and find my post for reference if it would ease your mind? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Oh, I'm presuming the "Hello DT" post was because i came online?
That would be because I have the game open on my iPod. Yoshiya can confirm this from school, and everyone else can because i was online a large amount of time i was inactive last game.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

The day following the town meeting was sunny, with a light breeze and not a cloud in sight, a truly horrible day. Although the town’s foul mood couldn’t be blamed entirely on the bad weather. The thought of rebels hiding among them had turned the citizen of HalloweenVille incredibly paranoid and a whole lot of fingering finger pointing went on throughout the day.
In the end, the town’s rage fell on Zombie (pezus).

- “Catch him, he’s running away” the mob shouted.

To be fair, Zombie was more limping away than anything. Thus began the shortest chase in history, lasting exactly 2.3 seconds. When the mob dispersed, all that was left was a picture of a scantily clad woman with “This is safe for work dammit!” written on the back.

Night One Begins

Reminder: Contrary to last game, night talk is NOT allowed.

Signature goes here!

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There we go. My timelimit reasoning. Again.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War




pezus man-bear-pig spurgeonryan RolStoppable


spurgeonryan pezus tabaha  Stefl1504          
Nachomamma8 Yoshiya  Final-Fan            
Final-Fan Nachomamma8
No Lynch supermario128 Smeags

Timelimit: RolStoppable, man-bear-pig, Linkzmax, DarkThanatos, spurgeonryan

Voting history (for player)

theProf00: RolStoppable
RolStoppable: pezus
pezus : DarkThanatos, RolStoppable, man-bear-pig, spurgeonryan, spurgeonryan, RolStoppable, theprof00, Linkzmax
Yoshiya: Nachomamma8, RolStoppable
spurgeonryan: pezus, DarkThanatos, tabaha, Stefl1504
man-bear-pig: Final-Fan
Nachomamma8: Yoshiya, Final-Fan
Final-Fan : Nachomamma8, RolStoppable
No Lynch: Stefl1504, supermario128, Smeags

Voting history (by player)

RolStoppable: theProf00, pezus, Yoshiya, Final-Fan, pezus
pezus: RolStoppable, spurgeonryan
DarkThanatos: pezus, spurgeonryan
man-bear-pig: pezus
spurgeonryan: pezus , pezus
Nachomamma8: Yoshiya, Final-Fan
Final-Fan: man-bear-pig, Nachomamma8
Yoshiya: Nachomamma8
Stefl1504: No Lynch, spurgeonryan
supermario128: No Lynch
tabaha: spurgeonryan
theprof00: pezus
Smeags: No Lynch
Linkzmax: pezus

Signature goes here!

I thought we were going to find out whether pezus was town or scum when he died...I guess I need to re-read the rules?

Ghoul was taking his customary early morning walk when he noticed bandages lying on the ground. Intrigued, he followed them. They seemed to go on forever twisting and turning throughout the city streets until he wound up in a dark alley where he found the remains of Mummy (theprof00). The fresh air, while beneficial to most, didn’t help Mummy’s 2000 years old corpse one bit. His flesh was beyond rotten and the bones underneath were so frail that a simple touch could break them. Ghoul learned that pretty quickly when he tried to lift his friend’s body off the ground. Sadly nothing could be done to save Mummy now.

pezus was Zombie - Vanilla Town
theprof00 has been killed he was Mummy - Vanilla Town
*Ghoul is a NPC

Day Two Begins

Signature goes here!

Wow, interesting. I gotta reevaluate my opinions of certain people it seems...