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Stefl1504 said:
Also, DarkT and man-bear, regarding the time-limit, what is your reasoning for voting for it?

I said preliminary reasons here -last game it dragged on too long, and from my experience as the deadline approaches, people reveal information if their undersuspicion or if a scummate is. I was also anticipating at least another day before someone actually implemented timelimit. When i voted that i was the forth vote. By my understanding at least 33% of players need to vote timelimit - so by calculations a minimum of 4.6 people are needed to vote- so basically 5. 

Yet in the table: 

TruckOSaurus said:



RolStoppable pezus

pezus man-bear-pig spurgeonryan

Yoshiya Nachomamma8 RolStoppable            
spurgeonryan pezus DarkThanatos            
man-bear-pig Final-Fan              
Nachomamma8 Yoshiya              

Timelimit: RolStoppable, man-bear-pig, Linkzmax, DarkThanatos

Voting history (for player)

theProf00: RolStoppable
RolStoppable: pezus
pezus : DarkThanatosRolStoppable, man-bear-pig, spurgeonryan
Yoshiya: Nachomamma8, RolStoppable
spurgeonryan: pezus, DarkThanatos
man-bear-pig: Final-Fan
Nachomamma8: Yoshiya

Voting history (by player)

RolStoppable: theProf00pezus, Yoshiya
pezus: RolStoppable, spurgeonryan
DarkThanatos: pezus, spurgeonryan
man-bear-pig: pezus
spurgeonryan: pezus
Nachomamma8: Yoshiya
Final-Fan: man-bear-pig
Yoshiya: Nachomamma8

Only 4 people voted timelimit, and noone voted between then and when the timelimit was implemented. 

Is there a secret voter? (I have no idea if this exists, but someone who PMs his vote to the host, instead of publicly?) Or is there just a mistake in the table? (Or am i just being a dipshit with maths) 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War