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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

Linkzmax said:
Yoshiya said:
This Pezus lynch thing going on is just crazy haha. A lot people that are voting for him are voting for time limit from a quick glance as well >.>

So what are your thoughts on these people now?

I still don't like it but I am not going to follow it up with anything for now, more interested in Nacho. If he does something I think that makes him  town I will be revisiting these people though.

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I'm not asking you to switch off of Nacho. I want to know what you make of DT, Rol, and MBP though. And spurge too since he hammered the time limit. I didn't vote pezus, but you can add your opinion on me for voting time limit if you like.

Linkzmax said:
tabaha said:
supermario128 said:
man-bear-pig said:

Because his behaviour is extremely fishy

I think your behavior is extremely fishy. What do you have to say about that?

this is giving me a bit of scum feeling from supermario128 and pezus. having mario defending pezus this much doesn't feel right. I don't think someone who doesn't know pezus' role would defend him and attack the one who suspects him in this way. But hey, I might be wrong

I'm ignoring the fact that you made the wrong connection, because I know you're prone to making such a mistake in following the thread. But this is way too wishy-washy. I'm going to skim through the last round, but I don't remember you lacking confidence.

Alright, you were second guessing yourself a bit, but that was after following the bandwagon that ended up with a double mislynch and ended not very long afterwords. So why the seed of doubt already?

Linkzmax said:
I'm not asking you to switch off of Nacho. I want to know what you make of DT, Rol, and MBP though. And spurge too since he hammered the time limit. I didn't vote pezus, but you can add your opinion on me for voting time limit if you like.

DT got on me quickly after Nacho did which I don't like, especially since I seem to remember him being like that last game. I want to hear more from him but I appreciate he has been out today. This doesn't tie in with my theory of him wanting a time limit to get a Pezus lynch but I can definitely see him thinking that Nacho's arguments would hold weight to get me votes before the time limit was up.

MBP seems really intent on going after Pezus but I can't tell if he is joking or seriously trying to go after him. It's hard to read him :/

Rol it appears I need to reread, I was pre-occupied with Nacho instead so I haven't been watching him.

As to you, I don't suspect you of anything yet, you are neutral in my mind. I am not suspicious of the people voting time limit, I am suspicious of the people voting time limit and Pezus. This reasoning also applies to Spurge for obvious reasons.

Final-Fan said:

He incorrectly predicted that I would want to vote time limit already.  I don't yet see that as necessary. 

Na. I know you want to vote for a time limit. Don't let what I said influence you. You hate long day ones so why not just get it over with?

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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I'm baffled that people aren't voting to kill pezus or nacho yet given that I've posted pretty conclusive arguments proving that both of them are scum. Perhaps the people who haven't voted for them yet are just protecting their scumrades, eh? ...Interesting.


Stefl1504 said:

Interesting how you just throw that out... please elaborate~

I basically only jokeposted plus called tabaha town, so there isn't much of a read yet from point of view. But please enlighten me (and maybe the others) how you can get a read from basically nothing, or is it just the jokeposting giving you a read? I don't really know, but I think what I did is a little too little to give of a read... I just think these is one of the things you like to do when scum.

(Uh, I am getting overly defensive here :D)

Nothing to elaborate on. Like I said, your first few posts give me an early scum vibe on you.

Indeed. There isn't much to read based on that. However, I always like to see how people respond when I call them scum, which is what you just did.

At any rate, you didn't deny it. Are you scum Stefl?

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

man-bear-pig said:

I'm shocked, hurt and quite frankly appalled

Haha. Town vibe from MBP. Based from this post and how he has acted so far.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

tabaha said:

this is giving me a bit of scum feeling from supermario128 and pezus. having mario defending pezus this much doesn't feel right. I don't think someone who doesn't know pezus' role would defend him and attack the one who suspects him in this way. But hey, I might be wrong

I never defended Pezus, nor did I defend Prof.

Then you go on to say "defend him THIS MUCH". Even if you misinterpreted one post how does that equate to me defending him a lot?

Again, I'm not defending anyone, but yes, I am going after a few people. It is the best way to get reads.

Indeed. You can always be wrong no matter what you say. So, why did you feel the need to write you could be wrong? Isn't that point obvious already?

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Ah, it seems HalloweenVille is already hustling and busting with er... liveliness... *heheh*

Skel Tonne here, and I'm always happy to see new customers. Starting tomorrow, I'll finally be able to open my one of a kind antiques shop, where you'll be able to purchase all of my lovely wares. Until then, there's one more thing I have to find... *grabs shovel and lantern* Off to the graveyard.