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Forums - Sony Discussion - "Killzone 2 will come out in 2008 no matter what the quality"

Shane from and another dude from egm said that juicy rumor on the newest 1up podcast. To KZ2's defense garnett lee said that this is the game that makes or break guerilla games so they are going to do everythig they can to make this game great.






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Perhaps a link to the actual story?

Link to podcast for those who wish to listen, plz.

Its in the podcast, ill link that if u want but Idk how to link to that exact that part but im not making this up if thats what you believe.




well perhaps a little something for anybody who would be so inclined to check it out.

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Its near the middle, i think. The part where they are talking about underhyped and over hyped games.


Edit- Shane is a huge sony fanboy so i think for him to be saying this could hold some weight.




that is good if the game has been properly tested and tweaked by christmas

If the tittle is correct, whats the point of rushing a game "no matter what the quality", if every time we see a pic of the game the pic needs some post-pro???

Or they are getting low of money, or they are really making a huge progress...

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I think it will follow a path somewhat similar to Halo 3.  It will probably have a beta around May, and release sometime around September or October.

So far, the development cycles of both KZ2 and H3 seem rather similar:

  • Halo 3 was MS' #1 priority.  Killzone 2 seems to be Sony's #1 priority.
  • Halo 3 was in development for three years.  If KZ2 makes it out by the end of the year, it will have been in development for around three years.
  • Flashy trailers for both were released long before either game was finished, with little to no other information surfacing until less than a year before release (this has yet to happen with KZ2, but you know it's coming).


Okay, after listening to the podcast, that was the exact line they used. I could agree with them that saying "It'll come out no matter what state it's in" isn't exactly something you should say.

I also agree that the developers are really putting themselves on the line here. I became pretty excited for it after seeing it at e-3. It's gone down a little bit since then (with The Orange Box and Call of Duty 4), but I'm still interested in mainly seeing if they can pull this stuff off.