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Forums - Sony Discussion - "Killzone 2 will come out in 2008 no matter what the quality"

I kinda like that we have so little information on KZ2, no one was expecting anything like what we saw last year at E3 then KZ2 blew us away, i kinda think they will do the same thing this year. Plus the guys at GG have some stress off their back from Sony fans since RFoM2 can fill the gap for now, plus i bet RFoM2 will have a nice show at GDC.

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To be honest Resistance 2 has me more excited than Killzone 2. However Killzone 2 will be like the gravy to Resistance 2, so Im still looking forward to it.

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it is 1up ALL !!

it is 1up !

they put Halo3 10/10
and they love to say that Xbox360 multiplateform games are better than PS3 multiplateform games EVEN WHEN it is not completely true

About Burnout Paradise :

"""But which platform offers the consummate version of Paradise? While the PlayStation 3 edition sports a slight visual edge (a few superior textures, no screen tearing) and arguably superior controller triggers, the Xbox 360 offering plays identically, and both sport that amazingly intuitive online interface. And since the PS3 version fails to deliver a custom soundtrack option (blame Sony), the Xbox 360's ability to rescue you from a cavalcade of crappy Burnout 2 track remixes and Avril Lavigne nonsense can't be underestimated."""

Why are you still listening these assholes ?

Time to Work !

@ libellule- As far as i can tell based off that quote you put up, it sounds like they are saying the ps3 version is the one to own but you cant use custom sound tracks in it.
They said the ps3 has the superior graphics and controls, and as far as i can tell both have good online. So im missing the point why that reviewer, or the rest of the 1up staff for that matter are assholes?




Sony always said it was coming out in 08, so duhhhh.

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Their Halo 3 review, I thought, was stupid.

"Oh, Halo 3 has all these things wrong with it and it's not much of a step up... but multi-player was fun and that fixes all the problems. 10!!!"

At least The Orange Box got a perfect score.

Mars said:
Sony always said it was coming out in 08, so duhhhh.

 I wouldn't believe it 100% just because Sony says it'll come out. I mean, we should have had MGS4 or Super Smash Brothers Brawl already.

If the game is delayed, that'll make it worth the purchase. More polish and shine can help out a game to make it almost flawless. Nintendo maybe doing it with Brawl, and that makes consumers want the title more. Same can be said with KillZone 2. The more they work with the game, the better it is for consumers. Besides, even if you get bored waiting, there are plenty of things to do. I've been playing other games, hanging out with friends etc. to kill time. People can do the same. It will all make you want the game more if it's delayed, and can become better. Trust me. :)

I imagine a lot of people in Sony's gaming division are getting worried about sales, game delays etc, and telling their software developers to speed things up. The way he put it does sound pretty dangerous, and might mean the game will end up rushed.

Then again they've had a lot of time with it already, so it might just be a case of cancelling their previous instructions of "we want this game to be perfect, so use all the time you want".

Yeah it's not really anything to worry about since 1up said it not a rep of GG.

Plus I really doubt Sony would let it through "no matter what the quality" Killzone 2 is one of the biggest if not the biggest hyped titles for the PS3. After the Lair debacle you can bet there will be some massive QA/QC on this baby.