They should've just put in the memory cards in standard, or made it so it supports regular SD card, like the entire world already uses.
This could very well have been the decision that crippled the Vita.
They should've just put in the memory cards in standard, or made it so it supports regular SD card, like the entire world already uses.
This could very well have been the decision that crippled the Vita.
hopefully not.. it deserves much more sales.. it's a great device.. a lot of people said/predicted something similar about the ps3 when it was struggeling to sell months after it's launch..
kowenicki said:
My prediction is already in the thread. Open your eyes. |
I don't get how you're allowed to post on these forums.. without being warned on a consistent basis.. Like really? OPEN YOUR EYES.. do you really have to be such an offensive poster?
It's off to a rocky start sure, but I think 20m units is a worse case scenario. Provided it get's the boost it needs this holiday and it's library keeps expanding more and more people will be attracted to the vita.
With Strong First and 3rd party support, Good advertising and marketing And an eventual reduction in the price of memory cards and the core system I think it can do quite well and possibly get around the 50-60m mark.
big games wasn`t out and still no price it`s to early to predict life time sale of psv
PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m
Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m
I can't tell if this thread and the people in it are serious or not. I know sony said that there will be no price drop this year for the vita but as soon as the christmas holiday season is over and i know that the vita will get a small boost of sales from it. Jan or feb 2013 sony will drop the vita price to under $200 and with a gran turismo game and a gta games pretty much coming to vita sooner or later.
Oh and a call of duty/vita bundle will boost sales.
Lifetime prediction for the vita is 50 million by late 2016.
I don't think it'll do that bad. It should at least match the Gamecube - might do even better in the long run?
I have no reason to actually believe this, but I'm more so in disbelieve that it's actually doing as poorly as it is. So it may make a decent "comeback", i.e. not fall into oblivion. Things don't look encouraging at all right now though.
kowenicki said:
well then hunny, you should tell him to open his eyes, or whatever other aggresive remarks you have for him or any other poster through a private message.. Because as I'm sure you have seen.. not many people enjoy reading through those remarks towards other posters.. and if he started the flaming.. then report him.. and be done with it.. instead of continuing it..
It will end around 50-60 million sales. Some people are known for underestimating Sony numbers, be it software or hardware.