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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is PS3 set to dominate console sales for the rest of the year?

Im sure MS have got something up their sleeves. Wii U will be a sell out for sure. Hell, even a $99 or less Wii will sell pretty well. Going to be a tough battle when it comes to holiday sales this year.

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RolStoppable said:
pezus said:

With the new, sexy, smaller PS3 do you think it has what it takes to finally come out on top in a holiday season?


One sentence in and the goalposts have already been moved.

I don't follow. Explain plz.

RolStoppable said:
Slimebeast said:
RolStoppable said:

One sentence in and the goalposts have already been moved.

I don't follow. Explain plz.

The thread title asks about possible domination, the opening post immediately reduces it to just coming out on top. Domination implies winning by a significant margin.


I think it was already certain that PS3 would come on top this Holiday by slightly besting the X360 worldwide sales. The new Slim and pricing will not improve that sitation much though, not into the borderlands of domination at least.

Also, is the consensus now that the new Slim is better looking than the old Slim? When the leaked pics were released most internet comments raged at how ugly it looked.

I agree though, the new Slim might look better than the old slim. I still love my old slim very much though.

man-bear-pig said:
No, I'm pretty sure MS will dominate sales from Nov-Jan

Halo 4, Fable, Forza etc.
Plus, Xmas is more of a western tradition (UK and US) and they are both markets where the X360 dominates

The games you mentioned above will not push sales of a console. Anyone who wants to play these games will have already bought an xbox for them

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kowenicki said:
RolStoppable said:
Slimebeast said:
RolStoppable said:

One sentence in and the goalposts have already been moved.

I don't follow. Explain plz.

The thread title asks about possible domination, the opening post immediately reduces it to just coming out on top. Domination implies winning by a significant margin.

That is my beef too, the word "dominate" is used all too often. 

The same happens with the word "EPIC"

kowenicki said:
Turkish said:
Yes, the thing is gonna be big in Europe.

I ask again.  Define dominate.

Sell many units.

It will sell big numbers, because people are stupid to buy an inferior product, just because it is new. But the phrase "sexy" is a joke. It looks FUGLY IMO.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

pezus said:
Spazzy_D said:
Uh huh, sexy. Riiiiiiiight.

It looks so much CHEAPER then previous PS3 models. It might have an effect in Japan, where console size really matters, and in Europe, where it is actually cheaper, but I doubt it will have any real effect out of a one or two week boost in North America. It doesn't reduce the price and America doesn't care as much fro slimness, especially with the general feeling around the net being that it is uglier then its predecessor.

So, to answer the question: maybe but probably not.

This is what people said last time. Watch and learn, baby

Yeah, but last time it looked cheaper and WAS cheaper.  Now its just looks cheaper without a significant price cut.  I really don't see this having much of an effect anywhere but Europe, but hey, I could very easily be wrong.

pezus said:
kowenicki said:
pezus said:

With the new, sexy, smaller PS3 do you think it has what it takes to finally come out on top in a holiday season?

The price for the model is similar to the old slim, but it's far sleeker and there's a cheaper 12GB model available in Europe.

Wii U won't be a factor, because it only has around one month to sell. It doesn't look like MS are going to do much either. need to mention that.

Disagree? Agree? Discuss below

It isnt sexy.  Its just b etter looking than the frankly fugly current slim.

It is more expensive.  You have stated "cheaper 12GB for Europe".  It is more expensive.


Also, define dominate.  The Wii came close to domination a few times but didnt make it.  The 360 and PS3 have never and will never dominate.


I expect the PS3 and 360 to end the year pretty much level after the 360 beats the PS3 over the holidays.   Buzz will surround the WiiU.  The PS3 stands to lose out a lot in Japan at the end of the year, the 360 sells nothing there so it has nothing to lose.

Wait, what does a 160GB cost right now in Euros (official price?

"Dominate" is a fancy term for coming out on top, at least these days.

Japan laps up new models, plus RE6 is coming (with huge pre-orders). I think they might do better there this year than last (for this period). Possibly

To the bolded, it doesn't under any cirumcstances mean anything like that unless used in sarcasm.  If you used that word you meant it would dominate the competition, i.e. tower above in sales figures, overshadow the competition.  If you've used the wrong word or don't believe you you've used it correctly then just admit you're wrong and change your OP. 

I personally read it as you were being a little bit over zealous and excited for what the new model would do to sales figures and was making a overly exagerrated claim as it's pretty clear to me there is very little chance of the PS3 dominating the 360 in the holidays if you follow the correct meaning of the word.