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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

NoCtiS_NoX said:


Hmm. I really really want to try this.



It's easy to just say I was silenced and get a free pass.


[Sigh] You could at least try...

Signature goes here!

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happydolphin said:
Stefl1504 said:
happydolphin said:
It's Carl's Stefl.

carl voted tabaha...

Precisely ;)

LOL T_T I thought you meant that DT had 2 votes on him :D

Stefl1504 said:

Chocolate Milk Timer introduced, night will end tomorrow after my football training - means around 20:00 GMT

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NoCtiS_NoX said:
Carl2291 said:
Mafia probably always wins because you post about 15 times in the first 3 days.

You are one to talk. >_>

What did you ever do in this game? Mantle boom boom boom.

Basically, more in an hour of arguing than you did in 2 Week. Cool.

This is my first game in what, Years? How many games have you played again?


Carl- you dont need to respond to the ultimate lurker :P

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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Vote: Noctis

If he's a Hero or an Overlord, then great.

If he's not, then honestly... I cannot be bothered that we lost because of him anyways.

No, we played this game for too long to mislynch. I will be voting tabaha, but I'm yet re-reading to look for connections.

happydolphin said:
No, we played this game for too long to mislynch. I will be voting tabaha, but I'm yet re-reading to look for connections

Don't interpret my last post as some shot in the dark pick for a lynch. Noctis seems as scummy as one can get (although I do agree that Tab is/has been extremely suspicious since the get go), so I'm basing my vote on that. Definitely not going to be the hammer vote, and I'm always open to changing if evidence appears.

Smeags said:

Don't interpret my last post as some shot in the dark pick for a lynch. Noctis seems as scummy as one can get (although I do agree that Tab is/has been extremely suspicious since the get go), so I'm basing my vote on that. Definitely not going to be the hammer vote, and I'm always open to changing if evidence appears.

Okay. Trucks, why noctis and not tabs? I know his story was fluff, but what ever happened to your suspicion of tabaha, and what if Noctis is telling the truth?

Right now what we need to find is the most likely candidate to have been linkz's overloard comrads. We know that overlords are shadowspawn, and I don't expect any of them to fakeclaim anything else, as I believe that was their safeclaim. With all the mention of safeclaim by nen at the begining of the game, this adds to the suspicions we've had of him. Though I admit his closeness with Linkz could be explained by him not knowing Linkz was an overlord, nen had a surprisingly clear view of OP and upon rereading OP it would be clear that overlords were shadowspawn and CH were just humans that were affected by the darkness. Apart from that, I feel that tabaha is a very likely candidate for buddy to Linkz. Noctis not so much. Then again, Noctis could be playing timid mafia, letting his partner do all the work (it happens!).


More to come.

Although I do admit it's worrisome that Tabaha has voted for Noctis as well, especially this late in the game where it takes less votes to hammer someone. At this point, I don't think Overlord would want to vote Overlord, and same goes for the Hero faction as well.

Ugh... so confusing.