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Forums - Politics Discussion - Romney doesn't care about 47% of americans

badgenome said:
KungKras said:
badgenome said:

It's hilarious how this is the big story of the day, just like Romney's comments last week overshadowed everything else (including murder). You carry that fucking Obama water, media!

Because if a guy running for president says stupid shit, it aint more important than regular everyday news?

1. What makes this statement stupid?

2. When the regular everyday news is so dire, I'd say no, it isn't.

He was implying that people were feeling too entitled to healthcare and food and housing, you know stuff that you are either dead or homeless without. He also said that he wouldn't convince those people to take personal responsibility and care for their lives, which is a stupid generalization.


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KungKras said:

He was implying that people were feeling too entitled to healthcare and food and housing, you know stuff that you are either dead or homeless without. He also said that he wouldn't convince those people to take personal responsibility and care for their lives, which is a stupid generalization.

He wasn't implying that at all. 47% of Americans aren't a government check away from starving to death or being homeless.

Or are you disagreeing with the notion that Mitt Romney is not a convincing person? He's right about that much, at the very least.

badgenome said:
Soundwave said:

Cut what exactly?

The "cut spending" rhetoric is equally bankrupt IMO. The US in not in the debt situation its in because of government programs and even welfare or anything like that.

The military, social security, and medicare are the big three. No politician has the balls to serious cut any of those, and really maybe they shouldn't.

Are you saying that Social Security and Medicare aren't a form of welfare? They certainly are. People are drawing out far more than they ever paid in, and it is redistributing money from one group (younger, poorer people) to another (older, richer people).

So everyone in Canada is receiving welfare?

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

So everyone in Canada is receiving welfare?

You tell me. But if you are consuming more than you pay in, then I'd say that you clearly are.

I don't understand why welfare is seen as a pejorative word. I mean, I'm not entirely opposed to some sort of a safety net but generally think that government welfare is kind of a bad idea. But if you think it's a good thing, more power to you. Why not own the term?

I dont care about 95% of the worlds population (has nothing to do with race, religion, skin color, gender or country of origin)

Its becaue 95% of people are dumb and just do shit because others do it. They are like ants that dont think. They believe whatever is said and love group events (ragemob etc).... 

This is also a reason why todays elections are not : Who is the best for our country and who has the best ideas!  Today its:  Who is the best dressed candidate with the best hair cut that looks charming has white teeth and enough money to pay good writers so his fake speech sounds good?

The whole election events/shows TV battles are a waste of money...

Well at least he cares about more americans than I do.

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pokoko said:
badgenome said:
pokoko said:
Oh, um, I mean .. Liberal Media! Liberal Media! He didn't actually say that! It was photo-shopped! This shouldn't be covered by any writers because it's not fair!

Cover it, by all means. But some sense of proportion would be nice. The country is on an unsustainable fiscal path, the world is burning down around our ears, and all the media ever fixates on is Romney's latest real or imagined gaffe. Vetting a would be president is important and all, but there is a guy who has that job right now and he's never held to account for anything.

As for what Romney said, it's hard to imagine why it's even controversial in light of things like Julia. The whole DNC was one big ode to free abortions, for crying out loud. The Democrats seem pretty comfortable with their strategy of encouraging dependency, so why get bent out of shape if someone points it out?

Then make a thread about those things.

This is why any discussion about politics always gives me a headache.  The focus can never be about something a politician has done wrong.  It always turns into "uh, well, that thing the other guy did was worse!"  It's just pointless.

Except that's exactly what he's saying.

He put it stuipidly, and overexagerrated with the 47% number not voting for him... a lot will... but he's not wrong.

You don't think entitlements distort voting patterns?

If that wasn't A case there wouldn't be a huge arguement about "who is going to kill medicare!"


The 47% number was stupid, but he's right in that fixing the economy by cutting taxes to the poor doesn't mean shit to people who get government assitance, and probably have gotten it for quite a while.

TruckOSaurus said:
badgenome said:
Soundwave said:

Cut what exactly?

The "cut spending" rhetoric is equally bankrupt IMO. The US in not in the debt situation its in because of government programs and even welfare or anything like that.

The military, social security, and medicare are the big three. No politician has the balls to serious cut any of those, and really maybe they shouldn't.

Are you saying that Social Security and Medicare aren't a form of welfare? They certainly are. People are drawing out far more than they ever paid in, and it is redistributing money from one group (younger, poorer people) to another (older, richer people).

So everyone in Canada is receiving welfare?

Yes.  Look up the definition of Welfare... and you'll notice universal healthcare fits the bill.

Or, at least those who take out more then they put in anyway.

Oh... and you can tell how young the reporter is that they can't think of any rough stretches that politicians have had past the second Bush election.

I mean... Dukakis and his stretch with the tank? Mondale's entire run? Bob Dole... being Dole

Why is this news? Seriously, is anyone surprised? His base feels the same way. Those too poor to pay taxes are seen as freeloaders. I mean the rich who have more money than they know what to do with, are REALLY pissed off at those making like 18k a year. Romney is part of this breed. Out of touch doesn't begin to describe this man, and it's no wonder why he can't stay ahead with such a weak economy.

We all knew who this man was, and what he believes ... yet we have to be shocked when he actually says it? Like Todd Akin with the whole "Women's bodies can stop pregnancy during rape" Romney came out against it, as did a lot of other Republicans. Then they turn around and propose laws that said "Rape or not, your body belongs to the state. You have to carry the child to term. Even if Daddy raped you." Nevermind the other attacks on women and their choices. Seems like the media ignores all that. So long as Romney doesn't flat out SAY it. Well, then it's time to stop the presses.

As for Obama and his handling of the economy, I think he's doing a great job. Take a look at what he inherited, and how the other side REFUSES to work with him. There have been at least two instances where he caved to them, GAVE them what they wanted ... and they turned around and still attacked him! I refuse to reward such behavior with my vote. Still, perhaps someone else could've done a better job. I would've looked at Romney if he wasn't selling the same crap from a decade ago. I'm supposed to give George W. Bush a third term? I mean that's what Romney wants. "Remember W? We're going to use his blueprint! With a little Ryan added in for flavor. We'll gut every social program under the Sun."

What short memories we have. That we would give that another go, so soon after it damn near crippled us.

spurgeonryan said:
Romney and Obama can go jump into the Ocean for all I care. It is always 1 or the other political parties who can push out the most amount of money that is going to win. The one who can get their names spotted in the daily press the most that will take victory.
Bunch of bull when neither are hardly ever the right option.

I agree. 

The illusion of choice...

The hypocrisy of democracy...

In the end, they all kowtow to finance capital and private interest while the country continues to go down the tube.  America is more like an advanced 3rd world country now - and it's only gonna get worse.

Also, I'd love for an independent or green party candidate to be able to participate in debates.  The rules governing who can participate in a presidential debate are straght bullshit.  It would be nice the have the sheeple exposed to ideas outside the scope of the Rep's and Dem's limited focus.