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spurgeonryan said:
Romney and Obama can go jump into the Ocean for all I care. It is always 1 or the other political parties who can push out the most amount of money that is going to win. The one who can get their names spotted in the daily press the most that will take victory.
Bunch of bull when neither are hardly ever the right option.

I agree. 

The illusion of choice...

The hypocrisy of democracy...

In the end, they all kowtow to finance capital and private interest while the country continues to go down the tube.  America is more like an advanced 3rd world country now - and it's only gonna get worse.

Also, I'd love for an independent or green party candidate to be able to participate in debates.  The rules governing who can participate in a presidential debate are straght bullshit.  It would be nice the have the sheeple exposed to ideas outside the scope of the Rep's and Dem's limited focus.