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Why is this news? Seriously, is anyone surprised? His base feels the same way. Those too poor to pay taxes are seen as freeloaders. I mean the rich who have more money than they know what to do with, are REALLY pissed off at those making like 18k a year. Romney is part of this breed. Out of touch doesn't begin to describe this man, and it's no wonder why he can't stay ahead with such a weak economy.

We all knew who this man was, and what he believes ... yet we have to be shocked when he actually says it? Like Todd Akin with the whole "Women's bodies can stop pregnancy during rape" Romney came out against it, as did a lot of other Republicans. Then they turn around and propose laws that said "Rape or not, your body belongs to the state. You have to carry the child to term. Even if Daddy raped you." Nevermind the other attacks on women and their choices. Seems like the media ignores all that. So long as Romney doesn't flat out SAY it. Well, then it's time to stop the presses.

As for Obama and his handling of the economy, I think he's doing a great job. Take a look at what he inherited, and how the other side REFUSES to work with him. There have been at least two instances where he caved to them, GAVE them what they wanted ... and they turned around and still attacked him! I refuse to reward such behavior with my vote. Still, perhaps someone else could've done a better job. I would've looked at Romney if he wasn't selling the same crap from a decade ago. I'm supposed to give George W. Bush a third term? I mean that's what Romney wants. "Remember W? We're going to use his blueprint! With a little Ryan added in for flavor. We'll gut every social program under the Sun."

What short memories we have. That we would give that another go, so soon after it damn near crippled us.