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Forums - Sony Discussion - New screens from resistance 2 scans

Insomniac are some of the best developers out there. Out of the two, I'd have to say that I prefer Naughty Dog's work, but they definitely don't seem to be able to put out as much kickass work as fast as Insomniac.

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makingmusic476 said:
Insomniac are some of the best developers out there. Out of the two, I'd have to say that I prefer Naughty Dog's work, but they definitely don't seem to be able to put out as much kickass work as fast as Insomniac.

 The last two generations I preferred Naughty Dog (Crash, Jax and daxter) but Uncharted dissapointed me (still a great game but I am not into that kind of games) so I go with Insomniac..

konnichiwa said:
makingmusic476 said:
Insomniac are some of the best developers out there. Out of the two, I'd have to say that I prefer Naughty Dog's work, but they definitely don't seem to be able to put out as much kickass work as fast as Insomniac.

The last two generations I preferred Naughty Dog (Crash, Jax and daxter) but Uncharted dissapointed me (still a great game but I am not into that kind of games) so I go with Insomniac..

 So far I've preferred Uncharted over Resistance, though I have yet to finish Uncharted.  I can't reeally comment on R&C, as I've only played the demo of future, and haven't playey any of the others.

this is a sexy,sexy game



Damn cool.

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Well if Naughty Dog releases a new Jak and Daxter, then they are back the best developers for me.

But untill then: Insomniac is the best PS3 developer

Nice screens, can't wait till this game releases.

We are going to revisit with Nathan Hale once again!

this is gonna be great


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the game looks gorgous

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"


I think #6 might be in game also actually.

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