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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable The Journey Will Silence Kinect Critics, 10 Minutes Of Gameplay

I don't have a kinect, but if I did this would probably be the first game I would try. I has a blend of Zelda and SotC elements. It also employs seamless tutorials which Skyward Sword could have made much better use of than Dialog Boxes.

In general, at first I was bored, but when I scrolled over to minute 6 I began to get more excited and noticed the straffing and different weapons and a boss, it looks like something I could get into depending on how well the progression is (powerups, story, ennemies).

Sometimes I'm jealous that Nintendo doesn't make games compatible with Kinect.

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binary solo said:
No one's mentioned the elephant in the room. You just know there's going to be a Metacritic battle between this and Move's Sorcery. If FtJ winds up with substantially less than 70 on Metacritic certain types of people (not me) are going to use it as proof, yet again, that Kinect can't do good "core" games. Truth be told I do have doubts whether Kinect can do good "core" games. But I also think that the best minds in "core" game development haven't really made a serious attempt with Kinect.

Even if I had a 360 and Kinect I wouldn't buy this game simply beause it's in first person view. But that's just a taste thing.

And what type of thread is it that causes Rol to compare a Sony product favourably to, well, anything?

The best minds in core development probably figured a long time ago that you cant make a good "core" game with Kinect, the tech is probably just too limited at this point, maybe with 720 and K2.0, but for now I think we are just relegated to dance games, mini game compilations and on rails stuff like this, was this game always going to to be on rails, i thought it was going to be a third person thing.

good god, that looked more boring than fable 3, and that game was a borefest.

I got a claustrophobic feeling and stopped watching! why is it so slow to fire? its like its not responding to the moves the player is making...

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

"because they don't have a hardcore title for 2012"

wow really?

ot not my kind of thing but the world has many different kinds of people with varying tastes
just because some of you don't see the appeal doesn't mean others won't

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but it's on rails.. dead space extraction for PS MOVE/WII was really good though.. well from what I played



i dont wanna be a negative nelly, but the game is coming out in less than a month and ive seen more hype and attention for SW Kinect than this game

leo-j said:
but it's on rails.. dead space extraction for PS MOVE/WII was really good though.. well from what I played

This is how i feel, gameplay wise its kind of hard to mess up and onrails shooter. despite the device being used.  Sure it might not be as sexy as was originally shown, but at least it'll be functional. 

iTs Lionhead, ofc its good.

smroadkill15 said:
SvennoJ said:
It looks like an on rails version of Sorcery. It's pretty I'll give it that. But really, first person perspective without being able to strafe or at least side step, no thanks.

You can. 

I watched it again and the only sideways movement is during the boss battle, an on rails predefined side to side step.
I would give it a try if I had Kinect, but I don't. And considering I thought Dead space extraction (came free with DS2) wasn't worth getting move for I'll keep my money for Borderlands 2 and Forza Horizon.

Instead of comparing this to Sorcery, isn't it more like Medieval moves: Deadmund's quest? I never finished the demo for that one, on rails put me off that too.