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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Wii U will sell under 40 million units

Damn, I was too optimistic in my pessimism, lol. The Wii U might sell 20M. 40M less than my 60M.

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thismeintiel said:
Damn, I was too optimistic in my pessimism, lol. The Wii U might sell 20M. 40M less than my 60M.

I doubt it. It will stop at 15 million at best. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

I go for 35 and less life-time. NX is around the corner and WiiU popularity is so bad sale-wise i doubt that it will have legs good enough to compete with it's younger but stronger Brother with third-party support and backwards compatibility.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

Metallox said:
thismeintiel said:
Damn, I was too optimistic in my pessimism, lol. The Wii U might sell 20M. 40M less than my 60M.

I doubt it. It will stop at 15 million at best. 

What?! Now I'm being too optimistic in my pessimistic pessimism?

Baryonyx said:
I go for 35 and less life-time. NX is around the corner and WiiU popularity is so bad sale-wise i doubt that it will have legs good enough to compete with it's younger but stronger Brother with third-party support and backwards compatibility.

35 million, are you mad? It won't even hit 15.

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Metroid33slayer said:
Baryonyx said:
I go for 35 and less life-time. NX is around the corner and WiiU popularity is so bad sale-wise i doubt that it will have legs good enough to compete with it's younger but stronger Brother with third-party support and backwards compatibility.

35 million, are you mad? It won't even hit 15.

No, i would be mad if i didn't consider the possibilities that Math and Statistic's can change at all time within the limits of physics as we currently know iy. People have been buying PS2's since 2001 all the way until 2014, that i decided to include that WiiU have the same chance just to play it safe.


The chance that you are wrong are more likely then that i am wrong, you predicted that it will be selling less then 15 in it's lifetime and i made a prediction that it will be below 35, i never actually said 35 but i did indeed say that it can be anything below 35M, if WiiU reach over 15, you loose the prediction, if it stops completely at 13,5m, you made a better prediction but well deserved if so.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

Baryonyx said:
Metroid33slayer said:

35 million, are you mad? It won't even hit 15.

No, i would be mad if i didn't consider the possibilities that Math and Statistic's can change at all time within the limits of physics as we currently know iy. People have been buying PS2's since 2001 all the way until 2014, that i decided to include that WiiU have the same chance just to play it safe.


The chance that you are wrong are more likely then that i am wrong, you predicted that it will be selling less then 15 in it's lifetime and i made a prediction that it will be below 35, i never actually said 35 but i did indeed say that it can be anything below 35M, if WiiU reach over 15, you loose the prediction, if it stops completely at 13,5m, you made a better prediction but well deserved if so.

WHAT?? The ps2is not the rule no other console has or will ver continue to sell like it did after the release of the next gen consoles, the wii u might get 20 million and thats a big IF... the chance of the wii u hitting 35 million is the same as the dreamcast hitting 35 million.

So many people from 2012 were acting shocked and appalled by the mere suggestion that it would sell less than 40 million and it's looking like it's going to sell even less than half of that in reality.

Wii U proves one thing: exclusives alone can't sell a console. If Wii U also had the same multiplats as PS4 and Xbox One maybe things would be different. Messaging matters too. PS4 and Xbox One are doing so well because they market a lot of these third-party games themselves, making a lot of more casual people associate those third-party games with their console and potentially mistakenly believe that they're exclusives. If Nintendo manages to get a few third-party games on Nx, they definitely shouldn't treat them like afterthoughts. If they could strike up a deal with Activision or EA on something like Call of Duty or Battlefield, it would be really good for them.

Holy crap! This thread is fire! Looking back at predictions is always amazing. lol

Metallox said:
Conegamer said:
It could be a flop, it could be a huge success...

...but no way will it sell less than 40mil.

Hey we all make silly predictions when we're young and foolish. And it's easy in hindsight to laugh at these predictions. At the time it felt hard to believe that a console could sell less than half of what it's predecessor did but that showed me I guess. 

Always fun reading through these threads!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.