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why does metacritic show me lbp with 87 in the list of last releases and when i click it it has 88?

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Well, fuck.

crissindahouse said:
why does metacritic show me lbp with 87 in the list of last releases and when i click it it has 88?

It changed to 88 not too long ago and the site is slow to update but the first page that is updated is the main game page and that's the one to trust.

Boutros said:
crissindahouse said:
why does metacritic show me lbp with 87 in the list of last releases and when i click it it has 88?

It changed to 88 not too long ago and the site is slow to update but the first page that is updated is the main game page and that's the one to trust.

it has 87.58 so yeah, 88 is correct but still weird to look at different score on the same site

crissindahouse said:
Boutros said:
crissindahouse said:
why does metacritic show me lbp with 87 in the list of last releases and when i click it it has 88?

It changed to 88 not too long ago and the site is slow to update but the first page that is updated is the main game page and that's the one to trust.

it has 87.58 so yeah, 88 is correct but still weird to look at different score on the same site

It's a weighted average though. Meaning that some reviewers are worth more than others.

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Seeing the reactions to the RE6 demo, I think I'm going to be soooo wrong on my prediction!

Signature goes here!

I am so awesome.

I think I mis-under-estimated Borderlands 2! I let my own personal bias get in the way! Nooo!

Oh well :)

TruckOSaurus said:
Seeing the reactions to the RE6 demo, I think I'm going to be soooo wrong on my prediction!

I knew I was right!

All cost at J5 20 score. I'm glad that borderlands to God 90 never have met acrylic and I hope that it stays there for the duration of this competition. This comment was typed using Siri