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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Metroid Other M any good?

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Should RedInker buy Metroid Other M?

Yep! 79 72.48%
Nah 27 24.77%
Salnax said:
Mr Khan said:
For 10 quid? Definitely. Even if we dodge around the... dodgy story, the game's main problem is that it's only about 8 hours long.

Including the hours of cutscene?

I think without. I seem to remember my first runthrough (including the post-game run allowing you to get all the pickups you missed) clocked in at 10 hours, and roughly 2 are cutscenes or something like cutscenes.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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It always looked good to me... never got the hatred, but I guess people have opinions. :P

Man, the gameplay is so damn shallow, just pressing A button without thinking seriously. So don't buy it for the gameplay.

The controls are awful...why? Because it is a lot of 2D-based roaming done in a 3d environment in 3rd person which is very frustrating at times And there are 1rst person perspectives in the game where you can't move, only aim the cursor and these parts are awful. Don't buy it for the controls.

The Graphics are average at best. Don't buy it for the graphics.

It is a horrible exploration game because it is 100 percent linear. Don't buy it if you are expecting classic Metroid non-linearity.

The Music is unmemorable. Don't buy it for the music.

The story is about a woman who won't stfu and is "emotional." Don't buy it for the story.

So, not sure why you'd want it. If it's for 5 dollars in the bin then sure try it out otherwise I say pass.

It's especially good if you haven't played the Prime games, because apparently, people who played Primes seemed to enjoy Other M less

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

I like it. But I'm not the kind of guy that hates games.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

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My friend, you got a Wii.

Other M is not a good introduction, because it is very different from the other games in the series and often just not considered as good on the whole.

If you want a really good introduction to the games, buy Super Metroid on the Virtual Console. It's even cheaper, and nobody in this topic would argue with the assertion that it's a much better game than Other M.

robzo100 said:
Man, the gameplay is so damn shallow, just pressing A button without thinking seriously. So don't buy it for the gameplay.

The controls are awful...why? Because it is a lot of 2D-based roaming done in a 3d environment in 3rd person which is very frustrating at times And there are 1rst person perspectives in the game where you can't move, only aim the cursor and these parts are awful. Don't buy it for the controls.

The Graphics are average at best. Don't buy it for the graphics.

It is a horrible exploration game because it is 100 percent linear. Don't buy it if you are expecting classic Metroid non-linearity.

The Music is unmemorable. Don't buy it for the music.

The story is about a woman who won't stfu and is "emotional." Don't buy it for the story.

So, not sure why you'd want it. If it's for 5 dollars in the bin then sure try it out otherwise I say pass.

Metroid exploration has been an illusion since Metroid II

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I enjoyed the game, and so I'd recommend it for that price. It really matters on what types of games you enjoy though, more than it matters about price.

As far as the Metroid series goes, it is a rather weak entry in the series, but despite that it's still a solid game to play in my book.

Deoz said:
As a metroid game is horrible.
As a game alone is ok.


Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.

Mr Khan said:
robzo100 said:
Man, the gameplay is so damn shallow, just pressing A button without thinking seriously. So don't buy it for the gameplay.

The controls are awful...why? Because it is a lot of 2D-based roaming done in a 3d environment in 3rd person which is very frustrating at times And there are 1rst person perspectives in the game where you can't move, only aim the cursor and these parts are awful. Don't buy it for the controls.

The Graphics are average at best. Don't buy it for the graphics.

It is a horrible exploration game because it is 100 percent linear. Don't buy it if you are expecting classic Metroid non-linearity.

The Music is unmemorable. Don't buy it for the music.

The story is about a woman who won't stfu and is "emotional." Don't buy it for the story.

So, not sure why you'd want it. If it's for 5 dollars in the bin then sure try it out otherwise I say pass.

Metroid exploration has been an illusion since Metroid II

Even still, at least in Super Metroid and the Prime games, you could enter areas that were somewhat advanced (eventually being stopped by an impediment).  In Other M, holy hell, you can't go ANYWHERE off the path.  I mean they don't even try to hide it.

But seriously, in Super Metroid it was such a wonder how many directions you could go in and "try things out" before eventually realizing the right path.  This is a good example of how linearity isn't black and white.  That game and the Prime games were much more in between.  Other M was pure as black linear.  I'd like to se a return of some Metroid game where some power ups are technically optional.  One of my favorite non-linear games will always be the original LoZ NES.