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Forums - Website Topics - How do you feel about the performance of the VGChartz mod team?


How is the VGChartz mod team doing?

It's doing a great job. 299 32.97%
It's doing okay. 143 15.77%
It's not doing well. 432 47.63%
Carl2291 said:
fatslob-:O said:

Just how exactly is this exactly deserving of a moderation ?

The post itself may have been pointless but in no way was it attacking Zero999 ... 

Pointless, off topic, no content spam that will only antagonise another user (in this case, Zero).

Its baiting.

You're kidding, right?

I asked Zero multiple times to explain himself. And was met with nothing but evasive replies, or was just ignored. When other users brought up the matter, he replied to them in the same manner. So I asked him again. And again, same thing. His usual no-answer ("it is as I say because I say so"). He was stirring shit the whole time in this thread, downplaying Sony and the Remastered edition of TLoU without providing any substance to the conversation. If he could elaborate at all about his stance, it wouldn't test the patience of people as much.
Me banging my head on the wall as I did there was a legitimate reaction after having been as patient as I've been with him in that thread.

Now that a consensus have been reached about him, surely, I'm not off track.

If my gif comment was baiting, how do you consider the whole of his contibution to that thread?

And just between you and me:


Line breaks: spam
Pronunciation: /spam 


1Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.
1.1Unwanted or intrusive advertising on the Internet:[AS MODIFIER]: an autogenerated spam website
2(Spam) TRADEMARK A tinned meat product made mainly from ham.

If I had gone and posted multiple such comments around the forums, that would be spam. But a single comment like this isn't spamming.

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Yikes, zero took a lot of people down with his swan song. There were a lot of bans being handed out due to him today...

Hynad its 7:30am and I have work to go to. Ill reply to you later, but youre biting the balls of the wrong mod. I had nothing to do with your ban, I was just explaining to fatslob what exactly the problem was


Carl2291 said:
Hynad its 7:30am and I have work to go to. Ill reply to you later, but youre biting the balls of the wrong mod. I had nothing to do with your ban, I was just explaining to fatslob what exactly the problem was

Far from me the idea to bite your balls. I don't play on that side of the fence.

gergroy said:
Yikes, zero took a lot of people down with his swang song. There were a lot of bans being handed out due to him today...

Yeah. There was a point last night when we were going through all the bans and Zero's comments in more depth, and it just felt like he'd gone too far, and this being his last chance it was time for us to part ways. 

Sadly I had to sleep (damn timezones!) and my ban reason wasn't used either, but overall I feel like it's the correct decision. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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RolStoppable said:
You permabanned zero999 after only 15 months and a good 4,000 posts? May I ask you guys what you think your job as moderators is?

In cases like zero999 where they will never improve as users, Im in the group of "Get rid early". Same could be said of Selnor for example. Just like zero, I dont think he should have been allowed to last as long as he did.

Unfortunately though, I dont write the rule set and we as moderators also have rules to abide by when moderating.

You also have to remember that we cant just ban people for being idiots, as much as Id like to.


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RolStoppable said:

You are wrong. Forum rule 1:

Moderation on VGChartz. VGChartz uses a progressive moderation system. This means that repeats of the same offense will often result in harsher penalties, starting with a warning and working up. Generally permanent bans are only handed out for extreme rule breaking, a whole lot of repeat offenses of the same rule, or actions that threaten the site’s ability to function. However, the administrators and moderators reserve the right to permanently ban your account at any time if they feel you are a threat to the site. This will only be done through a consensus among the moderating staff. Brand new accounts (less than 200 posts) that do nothing but troll or spam will also be permanently banned immediately, at the discretion of the individual moderator. You are subject to moderation for breaking any of the following forum rules in addition to anything in the Terms of Use.

Note that the sentence that precedes the part I bolded already mentions permabans for actions that threaten the site's ability to function, so the bolded part basically means that the moderation team can ban anyone for any reason if they feel that the user in question is a threat to the site or more specifically (since these are the forum rules), a threat to the discourse on the forum. Blatant stupidity, being a brickwall etc., it's all covered by the very first rule. Your team doesn't have to catch anyone in the act of something that is a more common offense (like trolling or flaming) to have a justification for banning.

I suppose it comes down to how you define someone as being a "threat" to the site.

While zero999 could be an incredible pain in the butt with his one-sidedness and "brick wall" attitude, on occasion he did behave himself and was capable of having a good discussion with people despite the constant attacks on him from other users. The downside of zero999 was the bad attitude and stubborn personality that caused so many arguments with people who could be just as stubborn as himself, which ended up leading to him insulting people. I didnt think he was ever going to really change, but we had to give him the chance because what he was doing, while it was breaking the ruleset, wasnt really a "threat" to the site. No more than STAGE trolling Microsoft or toastboy trolling Nintendo, or even you calling someone an idiot.

We do indeed have the right to permaban anyone whenever we decide, but I think that we have to be fair by it and more importantly if the question came up, we would have to agree on it as a group. All comes down to being fair and giving people the chance to change how they behave. Like I said though, *I* personally would have got rid of him at the start of the year when he was banned for 20 days. He had 9(!) bans for flaming and trolling in the space of 6 Months. Since then he kept his profile rather low though and he had a couple of smaller offences between his 20 day and 30 day bans, and the time between them was over 4 Months. He was showing improvement, albeit slowly. That fell apart recently though.

Hynad said:

You're kidding, right?

I asked Zero multiple times to explain himself. And was met with nothing but evasive replies, or was just ignored. When other users brought up the matter, he replied to them in the same manner. So I asked him again. And again, same thing. His usual no-answer ("it is as I say because I say so"). He was stirring shit the whole time in this thread, downplaying Sony and the Remastered edition of TLoU without providing any substance to the conversation. If he could elaborate at all about his stance, it wouldn't test the patience of people as much.
Me banging my head on the wall as I did there was a legitimate reaction after having been as patient as I've been with him in that thread.

Now that a consensus have been reached about him, surely, I'm not off track.

If my gif comment was baiting, how do you consider the whole of his contibution to that thread?

    As I said earlier, the post you were moderated for was spam, as defined by the spam section of the ruleset.

    Spamming. Spam, or multiple short replies in a row without any substance, is not allowed. Explain and justify your opinions. If you have nothing to add to a topic, then go to another topic and post in there instead. Similarly, even if it's well defended, repeating your opinion about a console or game multiple times is also spamming.

    The bolded is the key part. Your post added nothing constructive and Im gonna go ahead and assume that Mr Khan saw it as baiting hence the "Flaming" tag in the mod note and the added "You're under no obligation to make responses, you know" from Mr Khan just supports what Im saying. Additionally, you need an extra mod note in your history so that the mod team knows not to count that ban on you for any possible future moderations. Someone should have already done that but I dont see it, so Ill update it for you.

    Id also call you lucky for not being moderated for this post, where you basically called zero999 a mindless Nintenazi.

    For some reason I like that word. Nintenazi.


    Miguel_Zorro said:
    RolStoppable said:

    You are wrong. Forum rule 1:

    Moderation on VGChartz. VGChartz uses a progressive moderation system. This means that repeats of the same offense will often result in harsher penalties, starting with a warning and working up. Generally permanent bans are only handed out for extreme rule breaking, a whole lot of repeat offenses of the same rule, or actions that threaten the site’s ability to function. However, the administrators and moderators reserve the right to permanently ban your account at any time if they feel you are a threat to the site. This will only be done through a consensus among the moderating staff. Brand new accounts (less than 200 posts) that do nothing but troll or spam will also be permanently banned immediately, at the discretion of the individual moderator. You are subject to moderation for breaking any of the following forum rules in addition to anything in the Terms of Use.

    Note that the sentence that precedes the part I bolded already mentions permabans for actions that threaten the site's ability to function, so the bolded part basically means that the moderation team can ban anyone for any reason if they feel that the user in question is a threat to the site or more specifically (since these are the forum rules), a threat to the discourse on the forum. Blatant stupidity, being a brickwall etc., it's all covered by the very first rule. Your team doesn't have to catch anyone in the act of something that is a more common offense (like trolling or flaming) to have a justification for banning.


    This is why RolStoppable is my favourite moderator.

    Noone is saying that we couldn't get rid of a user whenever we felt like it. It's just a part of being fair and just when doing it; the same as any moderation. Judging when a user is harmful to the community is difficult and everyone deserves a fair chance and also time to improve their behaviour, as plenty of users have done in the past and likely will in the future. Look at Carl and Starcraft, for example!

    Aside from that I feel like Carl explained it nicely enough, so I'm just going to agree with him when talking about this particular case. 


    Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

    We can't have zero here since he keeps luring the ...... out of their caves

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