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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What's up with the NSMB2 numbers for US and EU? EDIT: predict the sales of NSMB2 for this year!

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Sales at or above 3 million by December 31st this year for NSMB2, easily. It'll be in the Top 5 or 10 through the rest of the year and beyond, and a likely 3DS bundled with it for Black Friday will help a lot, too. It'll do much better than Paper Mario for 3DS, even though PM is the "big holiday game" and NSMB2 is from August. Doesn't matter.


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RolStoppable said:
Salnax said:
I think NSMB2 will sell 4 or so million this year worldwide, and will end up being outsold by the first two "New" games. Still, that will make it potentially one of the top 10 selling games of the year, and definitely the best selling 3DS game. Heck, it might even be more than the top ten new Vita games of 2012 combined.

Not too long ago you said you expect 3m, so it looks like you are slowly coming to your senses.

By the end of 2011 Mario Kart 7 had sold 4m and Super Mario 3D Land had sold 4.6m. Just something to think about.

The slow early Japanese sales and sub-8 reviews worried me, but I'm coming around. I threw 4 million out as a low-end number I'm sure it can reach.

Tell you what, when NSMB2 sells 8 million this year alone, you get to act extra smug for a month.

I just saw that VGC haven't updated the SW sales...? How are we to discuss NSBM2 without accurate numbers?!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
I just saw that VGC haven't updated the SW sales...? How are we to discuss NSBM2 without accurate numbers?!

Patience, young one. They will be updated when global software sales are up.

aye you'll know when they are the correct numbers when you click 3ds games in the DB and there is a figure under the USA sales for the game then we can talk how good/bad it's doing. Have to say tho, loving it still, just the small touchs I will never get over the Koopas stoping to do a lil dance on the Baaaaa part of the theme song :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

I guess you're right ;) but so far I'm not that impressed - but that might be all the hype from this forum making me believe it'll do better than it actually can :P

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.