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Forums - Sony Discussion - How Do You Feel About Bethesda?


Where Would You Rank Your Satisfaction of Bethesda?

Excellent 31 20.81%
Good 23 15.44%
Okay 22 14.77%
Poor 16 10.74%
Bad 13 8.72%
Terrible 24 16.11%
DIE! BETHESDA DIE! 20 13.42%

As a Nintendo fan i've long hated them, ever since the Wheelspin incident.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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They lost their way after morrowind, i still enjoyed oblivion to some extent, but fallout 3 and skyrim showed me that tehy wont be what they used to be anymore. Their focus isnt anymore on the rpg elements and lore of the series but rather just have enough content to "dick around" even if most of it is mediocre, but i dubt you ever saw them like this and are only upset with the current issues with the game support on ps3.

As developers in general, they are fantastic. Skyrim is one of my favourite games of the generation, and I loved Oblivion and Fallout 3 as well (New Vegas not so much, but that's just a personal thing).

But, we are in Sony Discussion. So, yes, there is little excuse for the shoddy job they do on the majority of their PS3 games. It's true that the PC and Xbox 360 have similar and basic architectures, but we are now six years into the lifespan of the PS3; it's above 60 million units, which is a userbase that only a fool would ignore; plenty of games, both first and third party, have taken great advantage of the PS3's power, and made games that look great and run well.

At the end of the day, it's their decision how they want to spend their development resources. They don't have as much of a fanbase on PS3 (largely because they shaft it so much) and as such they see no reason to "waste" disproportionate amounts of money on it.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Lazy bastards. They chose not to spend enough time and resources on the ps3 because ps3 fans will still buy their shit regardless.

I was very excited for Dishonored...but now I'm gonna wait and buy it used or discounted, I will voice my dissatisfaction with my money

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

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The titles they have released/published have been great. However I have learned that next-gen I will buy the game of the year edition to get the fixed game + fixed DLC. I did that with Obliviona nd had a great experience.

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

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As an Xbox user, I can easily say that they are the greatest RPG developers this generation. Masterfully designed environments, badass armors and weapons, compelling story telling and quests lasting hundreds of hours. In fact, I have chosen to divide my life into two parts: The Pre-Bethesta Years, and the Post-Bethesta Years. All in honor of their supreme excellence.

Guess I should mention though that Skyrim is the only Bethesta game that I have actually played.

I like them, though I have some problems with some of their games.

I don't really care that Dawnguard isn't coming to the PS3. I actually respect them for saying hey, it's not going to work well, we learned out lesson, we're not going to piss people off even more by releasing a broken DLC. It's a damned if they do, damned if they don't sort of thing and I think they chose the better option.  It's almost like calling Naughty Dog terrible for saying " rel="nofollow">they can't put Uncharted on the 360.  Uncharted was never built for the 360 and TES doesn't work well on the PS3.  That's about that.

The reason why I have a problem with their games though is all of them I play, I eventually get so powerful that the game stops being fun and that's always long before I get anywhere in the story. Now that's partially my fault because the moment they let me go, I go do other stuff, but it's a bit their fault too because they don't give me good enough incentive to do the main story quests.

great developers in dire need of a new programing staff

The people getting angry about the lack of DLC dont realize that this is in fact a hardware issue with the PS3. It has nothing to do with Bethesda being lazy or having poor quality control. The PS3s RAM simply cant handle Skyrim. Its the one area where PS3 isnt actually as good as the 360 is in terms of hardware. It also happens to be the most important thing for a game like Skyrim. Its an issue that probably isnt fixable not because Betheda doesnt know how but because the PS3s hardware cant run it.

Its RAM speeds are too slow to handle being able to simultaniouly load every moved object in the game into its new location

They hate us because we win!!! Gangster! Just look at all that brass in game of the years every time an Elder Scrolls comes out.

Best publisher and developer out there. People whine about glitches when I see them in other games all the time. No one bitches about the Witcher 2's glitches because they are under the the radar. Some people will always give hate to that which lives primarily as the alpha.