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I like them, though I have some problems with some of their games.

I don't really care that Dawnguard isn't coming to the PS3. I actually respect them for saying hey, it's not going to work well, we learned out lesson, we're not going to piss people off even more by releasing a broken DLC. It's a damned if they do, damned if they don't sort of thing and I think they chose the better option.  It's almost like calling Naughty Dog terrible for saying " rel="nofollow">they can't put Uncharted on the 360.  Uncharted was never built for the 360 and TES doesn't work well on the PS3.  That's about that.

The reason why I have a problem with their games though is all of them I play, I eventually get so powerful that the game stops being fun and that's always long before I get anywhere in the story. Now that's partially my fault because the moment they let me go, I go do other stuff, but it's a bit their fault too because they don't give me good enough incentive to do the main story quests.