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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony will be unfairly called copycat again when PS4 arrives

joeorc said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Well it is copying they didn't do it until they saw Nintendo do it.

Oh god, look it's like saying the one who invented something themselves is copying themselves!

How else do you make a wand?

better yet turn the  WiiMote side way's and do the same to the Playstation Move, notice something? No matter how you turn them the Playstation Move is designed to be used as a wand, while the WiiMote was designed to be used as also a Game pad!

Saying Sony copied the WiiMote is like saying Sony copied itself! unlike Nintendo and Microsoft in this case Sony really did develop their own Motion control system and started in 2000, so unless Nintendo had a freaking Time Machine ..Which they may have who know'

Sony was working on their Wand Motion control system when they were working on the Eye Toy!

for One Nintendo's release on the Wii with Motion control's was far cheaper to employ than the methods that both Microsoft and Sony Employed. could you imagine the cost of the kinect and Move back in 2006? people were up in arms about the cost of the PS3 if Sony was to add in Move , which they really could have the cost of Move component's alone would have been $300.00 + added to the cost ontop of what the PS3 would have cost back in 2006. Same with Kinect

the cost back in 2005 and 2006 would have been at least twice the cost as it was when it did get released. Nintendo was able to release faster because of the component's were far cheaper. Its no kwinkie dink that multiple motion control methods started to really be pushed in 2001, the Darwin was already on the market in 2005, for Golf. that was before the Wii, Playstation Move, Kinect and other motion control's for the PC.

That infamous video where someone is using a lollipop and tracking it with the Eye Toy is in no form representative of a motion controller.

I could also do that with a lollipop and a 2$ pc camera, and then draw patterns for the camera to recognize. That's all Sony did. 

After the Wii, they then disclosed they had a "wand" too that detected motion control instead of a pattern drawing lollipop... Seems legit.

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Oh, and about kinect back in 2006:

Kinect was originally a project from a Israeli company, which presented the tech to Nintendo in 2007 and they got a "no thank you", and then they presented it to microsoft, which embraced it as the "saviour" against the motion control war.

Nobody in Microsoft or Sony, was thinking in motion controls before the Wii came out. Of course everyone can twist this story.

happydolphin said:

"What can Sony possibly do to make everyone happy?"
Try being original for a change. Microsoft saw the Wii, it didn't stop them from doing something different.

Yeah, the Eyetoy both inspired the Wii and Kinect.

Turkish said:
happydolphin said:

"What can Sony possibly do to make everyone happy?"
Try being original for a change. Microsoft saw the Wii, it didn't stop them from doing something different.

Yeah, the Eyetoy both inspired the Wii and Kinect.


Oh you!

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nintendo fans better forget about copying and worry about wii u launch. imo its gonna struggle really badly.

nintendo fans better forget about copying and worry about wii u launch. imo its gonna struggle really badly.

nintendo fans better forget about copying and worry about wii u launch. imo its gonna struggle really badly.

Derailing threads is bad, mmkay?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
happydolphin said:

"What can Sony possibly do to make everyone happy?"
Try being original for a change. Microsoft saw the Wii, it didn't stop them from doing something different.

Microsoft didn't copy Nintendo, but they sure copied Sony's Eyetoy.

Microsoft did not copy the EYE TOY, 3D camera technology was looked at that time by not just Microsoft but also Sony ,3d depth camera technology was developed outside of the Eye toy for an imput method in controlling Game with that type of camera technology.

as you can see 3D was a big push back than


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Sony can be creative in their own way... who says they NEED a tablet controller to be successful with the PS4?? They have an awesome first party line up and an excellent fan base... content sells systems, not controllers!

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