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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony will be unfairly called copycat again when PS4 arrives

Turkish said:

I dont doubt that Nintendo got inspired by Eyetoy, Nintendo probably started working on the Wii in 2004 with all the Eyetoy hype going on back then. As plans matured by time, it became the thing we know as the Wii.


Nice song lol.

Yup, tilt and tumble came out in 2000.

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Turkish said:

I dont doubt that Nintendo got inspired by Eyetoy, Nintendo probably started working on the Wii in 2004 with all the Eyetoy hype going on back then. As plans matured by time, it became the thing we know as the Wii.


Nice song lol.

What the hell Sony, stop copying! Now they are copying Microsoft's Kinect?! Damn you bastards!

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

S.T.A.G.E. said:

The Move is something a little more the Wiimote. Its read through the camera and fully controls 3D space. The Wii mote was the answer to helping Sony realize how to properly control the third dimension.

before the WiiMote was even in development we are talking about a time line of over a year here, the Move software was already being developed for spatial volume of depth of coordinate mapping. The use of a sphere is not a shocker, and the Wii even with the Motion + adapter is still missing one key element to offset sensor drift , which the Move does indeed contain. The fact that Sony already demonstrated tracking a sphere with the eyetoy in a 3d volume of space and did it well, showed that indeed they were well aware of the direction that they needed to go. Like i said the WiiMote turned side way's and the Move turned side way's shows the direction on how each company viewed Motion control's. On one token even though the Move was more accurate than WiiMotes even with + the Wii Mote could serve as a mini game pad to control games with, something the Move was not designed to do.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

joeorc said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The Move is something a little more the Wiimote. Its read through the camera and fully controls 3D space. The Wii mote was the answer to helping Sony realize how to properly control the third dimension.

before the WiiMote was even in development we are talking about a time line of over a year here, the Move software was already being developed for spatial volume of depth of coordinate mapping. The use of a sphere is not a shocker, and the Wii even with the Motion + adapter is still missing one key element to offset sensor drift , which the Move does indeed contain. The fact that Sony already demonstrated tracking a sphere with the eyetoy in a 3d volume of space and did it well, showed that indeed they were well aware of the direction that they needed to go. Like i said the WiiMote turned side way's and the Move turned side way's shows the direction on how each company viewed Motion control's. On one token even though the Move was more accurate than WiiMotes even with + the Wii Mote could serve as a mini game pad to control games with, something the Move was not designed to do.

Can the Wii Mote play RTS?

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Can the Wii Mote play RTS?

well it could, but its really not the best system to use for an RTS.

the point of control with motion, like the Move can control an RTS like that of say a Mouse, with the Move being closer to the Mouse, while the WiiMote would Need Motion + to get even near close to the Move, the point of accuracy for Motion + on a Wii mote is better than without it, but still lacks a way to offset the sensor drift with which something like a magnetometer.

look a razer's demo:

that's really what is one of the thing's that both the razer and Move both has magnetometer Inside their control systems


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

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I love your topics.

your threads are broing

not even alittle bit funny, just boring, go play wii sports or what ever the hell you Nintendo fans play (I seriously have no idea)

give thread making a break ok...



joeorc said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Can the Wii Mote play RTS?

well it could, but its really not the best system to use for an RTS.

the point of control with motion, like the Move can control an RTS like that of say a Mouse, with the Move being closer to the Mouse, while the WiiMote would Need Motion + to get even near close to the Move, the point of accuracy for Motion + on a Wii mote is better than without it, but still lacks a way to offset the sensor drift with which something like a magnetometer.

look a razer's demo:

that's really what is one of the thing's that both the razer and Move both has magnetometer Inside their control systems

The move does the same thing as that video while allowing full control and manipulation of a 3D environment.

Even Sega copied Nintendo by having a screen on their controller, Sega just didnt have Nintendo know how so thats why its so primitive.

joeorc said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The Move is something a little more the Wiimote. Its read through the camera and fully controls 3D space. The Wii mote was the answer to helping Sony realize how to properly control the third dimension.

before the WiiMote was even in development we are talking about a time line of over a year here, the Move software was already being developed for spatial volume of depth of coordinate mapping. The use of a sphere is not a shocker, and the Wii even with the Motion + adapter is still missing one key element to offset sensor drift , which the Move does indeed contain. The fact that Sony already demonstrated tracking a sphere with the eyetoy in a 3d volume of space and did it well, showed that indeed they were well aware of the direction that they needed to go. Like i said the WiiMote turned side way's and the Move turned side way's shows the direction on how each company viewed Motion control's. On one token even though the Move was more accurate than WiiMotes even with + the Wii Mote could serve as a mini game pad to control games with, something the Move was not designed to do.

I would argue that this demonstrates the difference between innovation and invention ...

Suppose Sony was working on Move before Nintendo released the Wii (which is reasonable), Nintendo was likely working on the Wiimote at the same time (once again fairly reasonable), but Nintendo saw value in the technology and released a console based on it while Sony only released a product after Nintendo demonstrated that it was successful. Whether Sony invented it or not, Nintendo was the one who believed in it and was successful because of that belief.


To take this a step further, I'm sure that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have developed several alternative user interface that are all remarkably similar to one another in their R&D departments (there are probably Wii U tablet like controllers inside Microsoft and Sony right now) but it takes vision to pick winners and losers.