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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Former Vigil dev calls Wii U a "$400 360 seven years late" - UPDATED!!


Is he right?

Yes 135 41.54%
No 190 58.46%
Slimebeast said:
Mr Khan said:
Slimebeast said:

People, read the original article! It's a very frank and open-hearted and extremely interesting interview about the gaming industry from a developer's point of view. And it gives his statements about the Wii U a context that makes sense (spelled bitterness and frustration, which we're all guilty of from time to time).

Yeah, i can understand bitterness if anyone can. It's not right, but it's understandable.

I appreciate how you reveal your bitterness in an open-hearted way in posts about your career, social situation and such stuff. It's really cool.

I'm not bitter about my social situation, just about my career, because once that picks up, my social life will too (working with people, for one, moving to a city where things happen, for another, having the money to entertain or indulge or take a girl out, for three).

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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TripleMMM said:
Now that I read the whole article, I can say I feel very bad for the guy. I always had a tought in the back of my mind when those lay-off became a bloody marathon left and right and what he said confirmed my theory.
I wish the best of luck for you, ol' chap!
But still, you don't have to bad-mouth about companies who are not even remotely tied in the lay-offs...

I feel bad for him too. And I feel even more bad for all the Darksiders fans who might not get a third game! Damn, such a shame for a great series. I didn't know how serious those lay-offs at Vigil were until now.

Working weekends and evenings counts as "poor performance" really?

I bet he loves Microsoft's Surface.

EDIT: What has this turned into...? 

Anyway, what the OP posted is really stupid of that guy to say, I wonder if he actually has tried it.

Now after actually reading this article fully (instead of skimming) I think this guy did a good thing quitting being a dev if he hates the gaming market, overall, that much.

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Pretty sure 360 doesn't have a screen on the controller. So, I'd say it's not the same.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

He's saying how he knows people who say it sucks, how about wait until you get your hands on it sir!


Well if it's $400 then I'm out. I'm getting it assuming the price will be $299.


TripleMMM said:
I can agree on being skeptical, heck I was to the Wii before it blew me away, but such tone is really too much...

one thing is being skeptical and say things like "hmm maybe, could be, lets see" and other is being a douche like this guy

I like this guy