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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Former Vigil dev calls Wii U a "$400 360 seven years late" - UPDATED!!


Is he right?

Yes 135 41.54%
No 190 58.46%

Wow, great update!

That article was quite a good one.

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zarx said:
theARTIST0017 said:

I've been thinking about everyone who has sympothy for this guy and whatnot and say, okay, but there's always two sides to a story. Would Vigil really just leave his name out of the credits for no reason? He must of had issues... BAD ONES!

Did you not read their reply? It is policy to not include poeple who quit or were fired etc before the game went gold, tho they did their best to include everyone who was cut due to the downsizing after DMO was canceled. 

The guy is clearly a drama queen who is playing this up for publicity, he also aparently leaked info on twitter about the game and should have known that this was what was going to happen anyway. He was also payed for his work and is free to use it in his portfolio (tho I am not sure why he would want to use such a unpolished priject).

But some of the conditions people work under in AAA development are shitty and not being credited is pretty shitty as well.

Have you seen what he leaked about Darksiders 2?

I was a skeptic of the wii till I tried it...


Slimebeast said:

Have you seen what he leaked about Darksiders 2?

Just minor things like the delay, still it's bad form 

Seems he made peace with Herb BTW

"Herb and I talked on the phone last night and resolved our differences. It was just a messed up situation all around."

"Mentioning him & my perception of the office politics confused the real point we both agree on: people should be credited for their work."

"Definitely buy Darksiders 2! Don’t let studio politics stop you from enjoying everyone’s hard work, credited or not. We worked hard for you."

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!



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The Wii U is just 24 Wiis duct taped together.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I facepalm'd.

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