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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Former Vigil dev calls Wii U a "$400 360 seven years late" - UPDATED!!


Is he right?

Yes 135 41.54%
No 190 58.46%

Ctrl-F "duct tape"

No results found.

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noname2200 said:
Ctrl-F "duct tape"

No results found.

try "the games pretty much suck" and "he's apparently heard".

happydolphin said:
noname2200 said:
Ctrl-F "duct tape"

No results found.

try "the games pretty much suck" and "he's apparently heard".

Bah, I can get those on any internet forum. The duct-tape speech was an instant classic!

noname2200 said:
happydolphin said:
noname2200 said:
Ctrl-F "duct tape"

No results found.

try "the games pretty much suck" and "he's apparently heard".

Bah, I can get those on any internet forum. The duct-tape speech was an instant classic!

Oh, if you're looking for classics, this is the wrong place to look. Did I mention he's looking to open his new studio on a volcano? Other than that it's all common talk.

In that case you probably wouldn't be interested in CTRL+F "the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick", more pleb talk as it were.

Damn, what an update, lol!

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forevercloud3000 said:
Wii U looks to be a well designed system......for this generation. Once again I think Nintendo has opted to have one foot in this gen and a toe in the next. It doesn't seem to be the "Next Big Thing" I am expecting of NG. Its Wii 2.0 which simply makes it on par with what is already offered with PS3 and 360.
-Most of the games I saw for it....ports.
-Gimmicky just like the Wii, this is not to say it won't be popular just like Wii.
-Graphics barely above current gen
-Not an over all fan of Nintendo franchises from jump and not seeing a new, more adult IP for it that is going to change that any time soon.

The basis for your argument is using ports, for you said that is most of the games you saw for it. You say the graphics are barely above current gen but what are you basing this off? Ports? Or a game built ground up for the Wii U that uses it to its full potential? However, if these are your opinions then you are entitled to your opinion.


nintendo forever . . .

mysticwolf said:
Pretty sure 360 doesn't have a screen on the controller. So, I'd say it's not the same.

Don't forget 360 also doesn't have Nintendo games


nintendo forever . . .

He brings up a good point, actually. The Wii U is coming in white and black, but where are all the shades of gray in between? The Wii U needs more shades.

theARTIST0017 said:
kitler53 said:

..and if publishers only create direct port of ps360 games for wii U without any meaningful support of the wii U gamepad then he would be right.  are you planning to buy a wii U just for a straight ports of AC3, batman AC, CoD Blops, bioshock infinite, GTA5, mass effect 3, ect..?  Or, are you planning to buy a wii U for new, unique gaming experiences that cannot be done on a ps360?  if your answer is the former then you are buying an expensive 360 seven years late..

in regards to the OP i believe the technical term is gaffe.  out of context it sounds horrible.  so don't use it out of context just to get yourself worked up.

He may be right, but to be fair I've never owned a PS3 or a 360 and was planning on buying a couple of those games you mentioned, and this can be true to Nintendo's audience who only had Wii. So yes PS360 may have had those games, but it's new to us. The 7 years things is a bit exaggerated because games like AC, Batman and Mass Effect 3 have not been out for even half that long.

Now if these publishers create a direct port without support for gamepad then I hate to admit it, but he's right. But its not what he said, it was the way he said it that made me kind of look at it like , WhAT? But I think we can all agree that some of these ports use the gamepad in smart, and meaningful ways right? Batman for example.

One more food for thought and this just came up to me as I am typing, it may not be an expensive 360 late because of the 1st/2nd party  (Nintendo) games, a very unique thing 360 never had so I guess that right there makes it all worth it!!!

so i think we're in agreement now.  although, i don't think batman is doing enough imo.  albeit exclusive, i'd say rayman ledgends is a better example.

zarx said:
That is the part of the story people are going with? Really? An off hand negative comment about the Wii U...

Really it is sad how the industry works some times, but sadly not including people in the credits who aren't at the studio at ship date (usually the get a special thanks) is standard in the industry. Studios just don't keep adding people to credits as they work on them for the most part and it's usually just a list of people on the team at the end.

As for overhauling the entire UI in a month I guess that would explain the rather poor state of the UI, which feels unfinished to say the least. The long hours from what I have heard is pretty typical for crunch time on AAA games. At least he wasn't working on L.A. Noire which was on constant crunch for 3 years and 2 3rds of the people who worked on it went uncredited.

As sad as all this is, this guy seems to be disillusioned with AAA development in general, but also seems to be using the soapbox to promote his indie studio.

I've been thinking about everyone who has sympothy for this guy and whatnot and say, okay, but there's always two sides to a story. Would Vigil really just leave his name out of the credits for no reason? He must of had issues... BAD ONES!


nintendo forever . . .