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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create & Famitsu Japan Sales: Week 32, 2012 (Aug 06 - 12) - Download numbers for NSMB 2 revealed!

Galaki said:
kowenicki said:

Scaling based on existing sales.

3DS is doomed.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Around the Network
the_dengle said:

Eh...? But... wait a second, those are cumulative sales! Everyone's going to start shipping their Vitas back to the manufacturer?

Yup, the Vita is so doomed it's going to have negative sales from now on!


OT: 3DS is doing well but it's dropping quickly. It needs to stabilise soon. Rest is bleh.

So I assume the people saying that NSMB2 has bad sales are talking only in relation to other Mario games, right?

Because it looks to me like it's doing quite well (already above WW sales for Uncharted: Golden Abyss).

And the fact that the 3DS has already passed 7 mill in Japan but somehow is "disappointing" is only in relation to the DS, right?

Because I find neither of these two facts disappointing - Vita on the other hand is extremely disappointing.

Makes me chuckle that "way back when" I got banned for saying the Vita was dead. Is it still a bannable offense to say that it's dead?

"05./00. [3DS] Run for Money Tousouchuu: Flee From the Strongest Hunters in History! (Namco Bandai Games) -25,365 / 75,243 (+968%)"

How did this game manage this bounce back?!

HAHA lol Galaki!

Nice 3DS at 7m even though it's Do0m3D! I wonder how much it would have sold it hadn't been

guess next weeks sales will go up because of the Obon thing so it will be interesting to see how high sales go then.

hate that we can't see DD
Dammit Nintendo show us how much NSM2 has sold!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Around the Network
jonnybmk said:
So I assume the people saying that NSMB2 has bad sales are talking only in relation to other Mario games, right?

Because it looks to me like it's doing quite well (already above WW sales for Uncharted: Golden Abyss).

And the fact that the 3DS has already passed 7 mill in Japan but somehow is "disappointing" is only in relation to the DS, right?

Because I find neither of these two facts disappointing - Vita on the other hand is extremely disappointing.

Makes me chuckle that "way back when" I got banned for saying the Vita was dead. Is it still a bannable offense to say that it's dead?

Super Mario 3D Land is the best selling 3D Mario ever with just 1/5 of the DS installbase. I (because cannot talk for others) expected NSMB2 to not fall way below the first one. At this point, NSMB on DS was at 1.5M while NSMB2 on a very healthy platform has only 0.75M, half of the original. It's not a bad performance compared to other games, but to other NSMB it is.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

kanjitech18 said:
"05./00. [3DS] Run for Money Tousouchuu: Flee From the Strongest Hunters in History! (Namco Bandai Games) -25,365 / 75,243 (+968%)"

How did this game manage this bounce back?!

I would assume a giant sale or reprint. There may a cross promotion with something else as well.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Mario is a bit disappointing. Still, it is already the 4th best selling game of 2012 in Japan without DD, so it's not doing terribly or anything. It will definitely sell 3 million physical units in its life without counting downloads, including weeks of over 1,000 units half a decade from now.

Hopefully 3DS hardware and software sales stabilize a bit before the holidays.

Panama said:
Do they still make PS2 games? Seems odd that it still sells rather well for its age.

Used game market is pretty big in Japan.

3DS 8 million first or Vita 1 million first?

Obon is going to be a major point in this battle. As well as releases throughout the next month. Also, each of these systems will have a game released at the end of August.

Late August releases


Senran Kagura Burst

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers


Hatsune Miku



September releases


Lost Heroes (also releasing on PSP) 9-06

Pachipara 3D (some C rated gambling game with old Gameboy games included) 9-06

Medalot 7 9-13

Samurai Warriors Chronicles 2 9-13

Art Academy 3D 9-13

Kokuga 9-27

Chibi Devi! 9-27


LittleBigPlanet PS Vita 9-20

Little Battler eXperience W (also releasing on PSP) 9-27

Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable 9-27

Ys Celceta Sea of Trees 9-27 

DJ Max Technika Tune 9-27

Nobunaga's Ambition 9-27

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As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3