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Forums - Sony Discussion - Destructoid: Playstation All Stars is 'something much more, unique and special' than a Smash Brothers clone

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Double post. I'll just cool off brb.

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Kenology said:
o_O.Q said:
Kenology said:
This makes no sense:

"Perhaps it's a benefit of these characters being born on more advanced hardware or not being limited to 2D platformers, but All-Stars roster feels much more imaginative and fitting than any Smash Bros. game."

That's just not true in more ways than one.

I think it's fine to like this more than Brawl, most Sony fans will "like" it better than Smash Bros. by default (it's on PS3, it has Sony characters, etc). It may boil down to whether you like ring outs vs a scoring system. But the author does seem to be more of a Sony fan because the comment I quoted is a little silly/fanboyish.

"That's just not true in more ways than one"

how so? please elaborate

You don't need me to do that for you, all you have to do think for yourself... 

Which charaters in Sony All-Stars were "born on more advanced hardware"? 

Which Nintendo characters in Smash are "limited to 2D platformers"? 

And why would any of those two characteristics have anything to do with either roster feeling more "imaginative" or "fitting" in a free-for-all, 4-player fighting game?

oh i didn't understand the point you were making at first but yeah its true that charcters like link, ganondarf etc from nintendo and parappa, sweet tooth etc from playstation don't really fit with what he's saying

happydolphin said:
o_O.Q said:
happydolphin said:
o_O.Q said:
its amusing though how nintendo fans value the opinion of a random game developer who apparently hasn't played the game or has nothing to do with it over the tons of impressions from game reviews and other beta testers who have been actually playing the game for weeks now

@bold. Can you be more specific? What Nintendo fans, what game developer? Is OP article one of the beta testers you're talking about?

"What Nintendo fans"

i just specified them "value the opinion of a random game developer who apparently hasn't played the game or has nothing to do with it over the tons of impressions"

"what game developer?"

i'm not sure of his name but the one that seemed offended that this game is inspired by smash brothers

"Is OP article one of the beta testers you're talking about?"

him in addition to everyone who has downloaded the beta and been playing it for weeks now yes

Sal, look at the things I have to deal with^

If it weren't for your post I would have to go through a whole circuit of Nintendo fan trolling. I stand by my judgement on o_O.Q. Very bad poster when it comes to dealing with Nintendo fans. i missing something here?

o_O.Q said: i missing something here?

Not really, I misunderstood your first post to be addressed to Nintendo fans on vgchartz, it was my mistake to jump the gun.

The post in question being:

o_O.Q said:
its amusing though how nintendo fans value the opinion of a random game developer who apparently hasn't played the game or has nothing to do with it over the tons of impressions from game reviews and other beta testers who have been actually playing the game for weeks now

As tads requested I'm no longer talking about this here let's follow up on my wall if that's ok with you.

happydolphin said:
Sal.Paradise said:

He's talking about a tweet from Hideki Kamiya, a dev at Platinum Games, who said the game is 'just a rip-off' but also hadn't actually played the game. It got lots of attention and many 'Nintendo fans' around the internet unsurprisingly supported him with that assumption. Honestly, it's that sort of negativity about the game and unfounded hate that got me to make this thread. People saying Superbot should be ashamed of making a game that everybody who has played it says is super enjoyable to play. I mean that really gets on my nerves. 

Did I not read something in the OP? Why did I have no idea what he was talking about?? :(

When he makes a post like that, we read it, how exactly are we supposed to understand that he's talking about people from another community?

Honestly, if you guys are friends with him, tell him to stop bringing that bad spirit here because it's not a new thing, he's been doing this since forever, always putting Nintendo fans down for things I'm like "we never did that!".

Honestly Sal, I had no idea about the Hideki Kamiya thing, that's why I asked him "who are you talking about?", " who is the dev?", "who are the fans?". Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, it made news, including a hilarious gaf thread with over 100,000 views in like a day, and found its way to a ton of news sites and forums of course, including here.  I think he assumed people in this thread would know about it because it made some big waves on the internet, that's all. You're not to blame for anything and he shouldn't paint all Nintendo fans with the same brush! 

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there's the thread in question for anyone curious.


i'm a little confused here... does anyone besides happydolphin disagree with my comment about the nintendo fans who have been raving about kamiya's comments while disregarding actual impressions of the game from people who played it?

Sal.Paradise said:

Well, it made news, including a hilarious gaf thread with over 100,000 views in like a day, and found its way to a ton of news sites and forums of course, including here.  I think he assumed people in this thread would know about it because it made some big waves on the internet, that's all. You're not to blame for anything and he shouldn't paint all Nintendo fans with the same brush! 

Thanks for bold. I stand by what I told you yesterday.

o_O.Q said:
i'm a little confused here... does anyone besides happydolphin disagree with my comment about the nintendo fans who have been raving about kamiya's comments while disregarding actual impressions of the game from people who played it?

Hands on impressions have done little to discredit Kamiya.  It seems like the method of KO is really the only thing that distinguishes all stars from Brawl, and hands on impressions haven't shown me otherwise.  If you think that's enough to make this game not a ripoff, that's fine, but I disagree.

I think within this thread, whether it's a rip-off or not doesn't really matter, and I'm upset we fell into that branch again.

Bottom line is that PABR is a new game that looks like alot of fun regardless of anything else, and the article got us at least excited for it, even if overly optimistic that's kind of needed at times in an overly pessimistic industry.

Apologies for biting the bait.