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Forums - General Discussion - ‘You’ve made your choice’: Man shares dad’s brutal letter disowning him for being gay

crissindahouse said:
happydolphin said:

Even though I don't agree with him, I can imagine how difficult a decision it must have been and admire his ability to respect his own convictions.

Nobody has the right to force anything upon anybody, no matter how laudable the thing may be.

Now if we were talking about abandoning an infant or a child, this would be a different case altogether. These are two independent adults (the father and the son).

i don't say what the father has to do, he can do whatever he wants,  i'm just pretty happy that i didn't have a father like that and who would rather decide for his kids if he would have to decide.

I'm not saying you did, I was saying in general.

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if he did so for that reason
the only thing i can say is that he is a bad father

happydolphin said:
crissindahouse said:

not sure how you define hating something but if someone is doing something like that i don't believe he just doesn't like the idea of beein gay. i believe a person doing this hates the idea of that. like i already said i didn't say he hates his son, just the idea of beeing gay and he can't live with someone who is what he hates.

Even though I don't agree with him, I can imagine how difficult a decision it must have been and admire his ability to respect his own convictions.

Nobody has the right to force anything upon anybody, no matter how laudable the thing may be.

Now if we were talking about abandoning an infant or a child, this would be a different case altogether. These are two independent adults (the father and the son).

You ADMIRE a parent that abandons their child.  (How much do you despise gay people?)

Seriously, take the gay out of it – pretend it says something like “knocked up Suzzie” or “stole a grapefruit off the neighbor’s tree” - other than say murdering his wife and other kids – or similarly extraordinary, what could any child possibly do to have any parent abandon them.  All kids mess up, a good parent is supposed to love them unconditionally.

Even Jeffry Dahmer's parents, who did not deny what their child did, did not abandon him.  Like everyone, they were horrified, but he was still their kid.

I am baffled that anyone would think it is ok to abandon their kid.


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Zappykins said:

You ADMIRE a parent that abandons their child.  (How much do you despise gay people?)

Seriously, take the gay out of it – pretend it says something like “knocked up Suzzie” or “stole a grapefruit off the neighbor’s tree” - other than say murdering his wife and other kids – or similarly extraordinary, what could any child possibly do to have any parent abandon them.  All kids mess up, a good parent is supposed to love them unconditionally.

Even Jeffry Dahmer's parents, who did not deny what their child did, did not abandon him.  Like everyone, they were horrified, but he was still their kid.

I am baffled that anyone would think it is ok to abandon their kid.

We're not talking about a kid, and we're not talking about a little once it happened kind of thing.

Putting the "gay topic" out of it, I can understand that a person does not want to be in the company of an adult that decides to live a life they disagree with.

I didn't say I admired him in everything, don't misconstrue. I was saying I admired his ability to respect his own convictions, that's all. Of all the virtues we don't see today, that is one of them. He may be wrong, but at least he did what he thought was right and did it in a deeply considered manner, at least that's how it seems.

“knocked up Suzzie” or “stole a grapefruit off the neighbor’s tree”
i think those things are far worst than being gay
no joke

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I wouldn't disown my kid if he was gay, but I certaintly wouldn't be proud of his lifestyle (choice).

its not a choice
its a natural deviation
and that is nothing to be or not to be proud
i cant get how you can be proud of your son being heterosexual....:p

Given that we are getting an entirely one-sided perspective on the argument and that there is probably a whole lot of background to this that we obviously can't know, I think you guys are being unfairly judgmental. I can't seriously condone the general notion of a father abandoning his son like this, but the mere fact that the son decided to put something so personal on the internet as a way to show how "evil" his father is really degrades any argument he may have been trying to make about family relationships.
Honestly, respect should go both ways; the father should not have restricted his son's freedom this way, but the son should also have considered altering his own lifestyle if his father disapproved of it this much.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
hard to believe how much hate is in some against something to even do this to an own kid.

It wasn't a hateful letter. Some of the responses here definitely are, tho

maybe i understood the text wrong but there is a father who said his son he does never want to see him anymore because he said him that he is gay right? yeah sounds like a nice father too me.

I didn't say he was a good father, but if you hate someone (im using the actual definition of hatred here, not the new left wing definition) you would not wish him a good life and fortune at the end of the letter

i didn't say he hates his son. i said he hates something (the idea of beeing gay) so much that he did that to his son, taking his own son his father for the whole rest of his life.

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

Player1x3 said:

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

@bold. Yeah, but when it comes to the point of disowning, it's because the parent hates the lifestyle or choice of the child, no matter what that may be. It goes without saying.