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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Surfer Girl rumors - 16-01-08! (Lots of 'em!!!)

gamingdevil said:
Exactly as starcraft said.

Disney could just as easily create a KH game without Final Fantasy characters and be done with it.

 Man would anyone buy it? LOL, I certainly wouldn't, I never bought kingdom hearts for disney XD I bought it 100% for Squaresofts involvement. But I do think it'll either be on Wii or PS3, Sony and Disney are both players in the BDA after all. So they both have ties in both directions, more bluray players sold, more money for Disney. More copys of Kingdom hearts sold, more money for Disney. I'm not sure how that one will end up lol.

@OT Yeah some pretty weak predictions in there, a few decent ones :P Hopefully she cooks up some good ones soon >: ) 

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turrican is that superhero sequel they Factor 5 was trying to make for the gamecube years ago. I'd love to see it on the ps3.(So this wasn't a long shot of a guess)

alot of what she says are realistic guesses like her saying that they'll release a banjo-Kazooie screenshot at gdc. and really how could you prove her wrong? If they show more, or nothing she can say their plans changed based on development.

secondly what is she talking about with the sonic rpg in Nintendo power? I highly doubt that is possible, while they showed off in the current issue the ds sonic rpg, is she saying there was a totally secret Wii version? I don't think so. You know by next month we can put alot of her news to the test I'll post a thread that dissects all the testable bits in this post and comments on them, from her GDC predictions to the Nintendo Power one, the more her posts get past around the more curious I become about her accuracy.

There will be no World Of Starcraft only Univerese of Starcraft

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

I really hope ME2 does make it into 2009. I wonder what led her to believe that ME2 would remain exclusive? I mean we knew GeoW 2 would be, as Microsoft has publishing rights, but after EA bought out Bioware I was sure ME2 would be multi-platform.

I really hope that Kingdom Hearts 3 goes to the Wii. It'd give me another reason to delay the purchase of a PS3. At this rate, I won't need/want one until FFXIII Versus in mid-2009.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

hm i hope some come true and i hope some dont

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@ Starcraft

I think MS and Bioware had an agreement in place before the sale. I wasn't too shocked about the Gears and ME exclusive stuff, though.

Kingdom Hearts on the Wii would totally rock ...

^^^^which do u hope dont come true?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Is the Gow film god of war or gears of war

How can you think if you don't know enough words?


How do you know what I think until you hear what I say.

Both by Vygotsky

PSN addy- solojohlo

-The Nintendo Wii will get more 'raw power' very soon... She doesn't give specifics!

What the hell is that about? Most likely it refers to a new ad campaign or something retarded. Maybe production increase, but I am calling bogus right now.

With things like that I am not sure I should even pay attention to the rest.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

kitler53 said:

okay, in response to several threads above me...

...someone posted these facts before but as i can't find the post i'm just going to repose the facts.

from the KH2 website...

© Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Developed by SQUARE ENIX.

© Disney. Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas © Touchstone Pictures. Developed by SQUARE ENIX. Characters from FINAL FANTASY video game series: © 1990, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005 Square Enix Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd..

and even more telling, KH: mobile - SE had no involvement whatsoever and they could do that simply by not including and FF characters. development was by Disney Mobile Studios and Superscape

edit:  almost forgot, can't find the link but in the post i referred to above had a link showing that Sora was in fact considered a disney character.

I'm not saying SE doesn't have any say (cause they could say my way or the highway too) but I feel like disney has the upper hand in any negotiations.

I actually doubt Disney would argue due to Square being the better developer. Could you even imagine how bad KH3 would be if Disney's studios made it? omg the quality would drop faster then a lead balloon 

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