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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 failure rates are reportedly down to PS3 levels, just as the generation comes to a close

Argh_College said:

Xbox Live is well worth the money and Xbox didnt did so hot back in RRoD times...

Live Gold was worth most of the time I had it ... (maybe 2,5years overall since launch)

But most of the time I play online on the PS3 because I'm a cheap guy and sometimes I wont touch a console for a (half)year so its not optimal for me.

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Argh_College said:
Chark said:
The slim is obviously completely fine, one of the biggest quality boosts in a home console. But RROD and the XBL service subscription is why I couldn't understand why it sold so well. I could never buy a 360 even though I did end up enjoying my Xbox last gen. If the PS3 wasn't priced higher than the 360 (despite actually being cheaper due to XBL) the 360 would have had a harder time gaining traction. Despite the failure rate 360 had better online day 1 and cross game chat, which after observing this gen are the reasons 360 did so well. Halo was important as well, but that alone didn't sell that many consoles. It was a console software advantage that 360 had for over 2 years with XBL and still has with cross game chat. 360 is the social console this gen.

Xbox Live is well worth the money and Xbox didnt did so hot back in RRoD times...

I don't see XBL worth the money at all. Maybe if you are comparing it to a 360 without it sure, but when PS3 offers online play, in game chat, access to subscription services, and a similar store front at no cost XBL looks bad. It's approaching year seven so ~$450 on top of the price of the console, it's pretty outstanding. Next gen will make XBL look even worse since it will be less likely the Xbox 3 will have key features the other consoles lack. To be honest, Microsoft needs to provide something substantial along with their subscription fee to be relevant. Most are betting on tv services but we won't really know till next year. Do you think they might opt for a free online service to compete with Sony and Nintendo while providing a premium feature service? Or will they continue to all but require a subscription like they aree doing this gen? Personally I think that model can't exist next gen and they will have to make 360's online free once Xbox 3 launches and transfer people's current subscription time over to premium service time. Leverage it as an incentive to buy Xbox 3 and no one loses since their XBL is free now.

EDIT: Around  $400, first 5 years at $60 and last 2 as $50 right?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Chark said:
Argh_College said:
Chark said:
The slim is obviously completely fine, one of the biggest quality boosts in a home console. But RROD and the XBL service subscription is why I couldn't understand why it sold so well. I could never buy a 360 even though I did end up enjoying my Xbox last gen. If the PS3 wasn't priced higher than the 360 (despite actually being cheaper due to XBL) the 360 would have had a harder time gaining traction. Despite the failure rate 360 had better online day 1 and cross game chat, which after observing this gen are the reasons 360 did so well. Halo was important as well, but that alone didn't sell that many consoles. It was a console software advantage that 360 had for over 2 years with XBL and still has with cross game chat. 360 is the social console this gen.

Xbox Live is well worth the money and Xbox didnt did so hot back in RRoD times...

I don't see XBL worth the money at all. Maybe if you are comparing it to a 360 without it sure, but when PS3 offers online play, in game chat, access to subscription services, and a similar store front at no cost XBL looks bad. It's approaching year seven so ~$450 on top of the price of the console, it's pretty outstanding. Next gen will make XBL look even worse since it will be less likely the Xbox 3 will have key features the other consoles lack. To be honest, Microsoft needs to provide something substantial along with their subscription fee to be relevant. Most are betting on tv services but we won't really know till next year. Do you think they might opt for a free online service to compete with Sony and Nintendo while providing a premium feature service? Or will they continue to all but require a subscription like they aree doing this gen? Personally I think that model can't exist next gen and they will have to make 360's online free once Xbox 3 launches and transfer people's current subscription time over to premium service time. Leverage it as an incentive to buy Xbox 3 and no one loses since their XBL is free now.

Compared to Live, Psn is terrible. i wont even discuss that. i cant play more than 1h on psn before got bored.  Next Psn will be like Live with fees so Sony can make it better because it is a joke.

NightDragon83 said:
jayman1 said:
Xbox fanboys are the worst. They ignore the fact that they pay for online and that the united states is the only country Xbox outsells sony.I have been with Sony since its inception. I have bought all 3 systems of playstation. I love the fact that the same ppl who bought ps1 and ps2 have jumped ship to greedy microsoft with the xbox.Microsoft is a greedy corporation. They put out bad xbox's(red rings of death)to get a head start over sony for years and did not care about there customers .Yet Xbox fanboys will talk smack about ppl who stay loyal to sony.Sony has free online and has strived for great products.I will not just jump ship after enjoying such great games over the 16 year Playstation cycle.For this im a Sonyfanboy. Next time a women or man cheats or backstabs thats an xbox fan. You will see how greedy microsoft is with windows 8 and all the crap there gonna try and squeeze out of everyones market shares.

Sony fans are so cute when they're angry, aren't they? 

Yeah, it really sucks that M$ fans have to pay a little extra (what amounts to a mere $5/month at full price) to get better online multiplayer and content than Sony, and to not have to worry about their entire online service going down for weeks at a time.

By the way... what about all the original Nintendo / SEGA fans that jumped ship over to greedy Sony back in the mid-late 90s?  Or did gaming start in 1995 with the launch of the PSX?

I remember back in the day when I first heard of the Sony PlayStation.  I despised the PlayStation just because it was made by Sony.  Why?  Maybe it was because I was such a Nintendo fanboy back then.  I was looking to buy a new console and scoffed and avoided the original Playstation like a plague while pretty much set on buying an N64 and a Saturn.  That was until Final Fantasy VII was released for the Playstation.  Being an old school Final Fantasy fan, I had to swallow my Nintendo pride to enjoy what made gaming so great, the games.  Since then, I truely became a gamer while the PlayStation namebrand/platform has provided me with more than plenty of gaming offerings ever since.  Coolness.

DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Well, you could call for consumer sacrifice on both parts.

360 people buying a product that would likely break down and PS3 people buying an outrageously priced BBQ grill.

You cannot ignore that the 360 fanbase is very US based, US consumers are alot more compulsive and susceptible to marketing sh*t and the 360 was accompanied by a sh*t load of marketing.

BUT overpricing or selling stuff based on a gimick or brainwashing people with marketing is one thing:
Relentlessly promoting a highly defective piece of hardware over the years is another.

In my experience with technology no product could ever survive, no matter the loyalty without the press turning a blind eye. And by a blind eye I mean tearing their eyeballs out and following the one eyed king.

Well, every culture is susceptible to marketting, but the 360's success had as much to do with the PS3's failure. For the first 2 YEARS the PS3 had a fraction of the games, inferior multiplats, and grossly inferior online capabilities (to go with the higher price tag). by the time the PS3 shored up these issues, the failure rate of the 360 was much lower, and more importantly, in a multiplayer world, the 360 had a larger install base.

And how was the press turnign a blind eye? Talk of RROD was everywhere. Noone wasn't aware of the 360's issues. The problem (for PS3) was that the press did not turn a blind eye to their issues either. Did the 360 have a high chance of failure? Yes. But in the beginning, that high chance of failure came with better graphics, more/better games, and superior online. Most gamers considered it worth the trade-off, and it didn't require bias to feel that way. By the time the PS3 caught up (and in some areas surpassed) the 360, it was too late. If all your friends have a 360, getting a PS3 meant you got to play the new CoD alone.

Both products had huge shortcomings, but in the end, gamers chose a high risk system with a higher fun threshhold.

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mantlepiecek said:
I am sure the 360 failure rate decreased in 2010 itself. Highly doubtful it was still 50+% in 2009.

The numbers are based on the respondents, not on how many were sold.


That is such an outdated viewpoint of psn. The services are practically identical now and have been for over two years. If you get bored is it because you don't have enough PSN friends? Are you playing the wrong games? Are you not utilizing game invites? The main drawback is the cross game chat system, nothing compares to it's ease of use in communicating with friends and creating groups to chat with and not having to play the same game. The rest is a level playing field.

I highly doubt Sony will charge for PSN next gen. They already have an established precedence and Nintendo has the same one. Microsoft won't be so lucky as to have Sony legitimize a pay for online service next gen. The future lies with premium services, like PS Plus which is kind of like a Netflix for games but instead of a large library of titles it is a rotating selection with discount bonuses on purchases. Services like Plus could get a make over next gen or maybe additional services will become available but the core online will be free. Sony will have free cross game chat, they have it free on Vita right now. Microsoft won't be as able to charge for online like they are this gen. Making the basic free will remove competitor edge and appear generous to the consumer.

Paying for XBL doesn't guarentee a better service unless the money is transparent to prove it provides more than a comparable free service. I know profits keep a company going but is Microsoft putting in any more money to Xbox than Sony is putting into PlayStation? Knowing that is the keystone to your position.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

One of the graphs missing from this posting, but on the source site, is the graph for the PS3.

The interesting thing it shows is that the PS3 Slim actually has a higher incident of failure than the Xbox 360 S (Slim).  Not by a significant amount, but it is implying that statistically speaking, the Xbox 360 S is better, in term of hardware failure rate, than the PS3 Slim.

jayman1 said:
Xbox fanboys are the worst. They ignore the fact that they pay for online and that the united states is the only country Xbox outsells sony.I have been with Sony since its inception. I have bought all 3 systems of playstation. I love the fact that the same ppl who bought ps1 and ps2 have jumped ship to greedy microsoft with the xbox.Microsoft is a greedy corporation. They put out bad xbox's(red rings of death)to get a head start over sony for years and did not care about there customers .Yet Xbox fanboys will talk smack about ppl who stay loyal to sony.Sony has free online and has strived for great products.I will not just jump ship after enjoying such great games over the 16 year Playstation cycle.For this im a Sonyfanboy. Next time a women or man cheats or backstabs thats an xbox fan. You will see how greedy microsoft is with windows 8 and all the crap there gonna try and squeeze out of everyones market shares.

Yeah...Microsoft are bastards for selling Windows 8 Upgrades for $40.  Bastard!  Selling Windows 8 upgrades for $50 less than they sold prior OS upgrades!

Yes, Metro apps on Windows 8 may have a cost associated with them, but you would expect that.  You can still install desktop apps like you normally would.  Developers aren't locked into creating Metro apps.  The problem with desktop apps in Windows 8 is the context switch from the Start panel (Metro) to the desktop.

Also, the Xbox 360 outsells the PS3 in the UK too.

Chark said:

That is such an outdated viewpoint of psn. The services are practically identical now and have been for over two years. If you get bored is it because you don't have enough PSN friends? Are you playing the wrong games? Are you not utilizing game invites? The main drawback is the cross game chat system, nothing compares to it's ease of use in communicating with friends and creating groups to chat with and not having to play the same game. The rest is a level playing field.

I highly doubt Sony will charge for PSN next gen. They already have an established precedence and Nintendo has the same one. Microsoft won't be so lucky as to have Sony legitimize a pay for online service next gen. The future lies with premium services, like PS Plus which is kind of like a Netflix for games but instead of a large library of titles it is a rotating selection with discount bonuses on purchases. Services like Plus could get a make over next gen or maybe additional services will become available but the core online will be free. Sony will have free cross game chat, they have it free on Vita right now. Microsoft won't be as able to charge for online like they are this gen. Making the basic free will remove competitor edge and appear generous to the consumer.

Paying for XBL doesn't guarentee a better service unless the money is transparent to prove it provides more than a comparable free service. I know profits keep a company going but is Microsoft putting in any more money to Xbox than Sony is putting into PlayStation? Knowing that is the keystone to your position.

XBL is easier to use, faster, party chat, better marketplace, much more variety of games to choose from indies or arcades.

Sony will make Psn a paid service make my words.

I Love what Sony did with Plus, sometimes they give games for free wich is awesome