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That is such an outdated viewpoint of psn. The services are practically identical now and have been for over two years. If you get bored is it because you don't have enough PSN friends? Are you playing the wrong games? Are you not utilizing game invites? The main drawback is the cross game chat system, nothing compares to it's ease of use in communicating with friends and creating groups to chat with and not having to play the same game. The rest is a level playing field.

I highly doubt Sony will charge for PSN next gen. They already have an established precedence and Nintendo has the same one. Microsoft won't be so lucky as to have Sony legitimize a pay for online service next gen. The future lies with premium services, like PS Plus which is kind of like a Netflix for games but instead of a large library of titles it is a rotating selection with discount bonuses on purchases. Services like Plus could get a make over next gen or maybe additional services will become available but the core online will be free. Sony will have free cross game chat, they have it free on Vita right now. Microsoft won't be as able to charge for online like they are this gen. Making the basic free will remove competitor edge and appear generous to the consumer.

Paying for XBL doesn't guarentee a better service unless the money is transparent to prove it provides more than a comparable free service. I know profits keep a company going but is Microsoft putting in any more money to Xbox than Sony is putting into PlayStation? Knowing that is the keystone to your position.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(