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Forums - PC Discussion - PC Gaming Screenshot Thread V.3.5: CGI-Quality Revamp!

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I've recently been playing with mods in Skyrim since everyone at work is now talking about them:

Climates of Tamriel + Realistic Lighting Overhaul + ProjectENB:

Climates of Tamriel + Realistic Lighting Overhaul + RealVisionENB:

With Realistic Water Two:

Currently playing: Gran Turismo 5
Just finished:
Infamous 2

Tomb Raider (sorry no TressFX I like a playable framerate)

Lords of Shadow

Sadly I don't think these games screenshot very well, both look much better in motion IMO.  And Steam doesn't help lol

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Those Tomb Raider screenshots almost make me want to reinstall it to play with upgraded graphics!

Currently playing: Gran Turismo 5
Just finished:
Infamous 2

pezus said:
@zarx: How is the Castlevania port? I see mixed user reviews on metacritic

It's the definitive version, that's for sure. It runs so smooth compared to the console versions. And suprisingly enough, the game isn't that demanding as far as specs requirements are concerned. A friend of mine runs the game on a dual core AMD processor (don't know which one) with a 9800GT and it runs quite well with very decent fps.

I hadn't bought the DLCs for the game, and they're included in this version. 

I play it with the logitech F710 and it feels just like the console version I played (I have the PS3 version). 

I have no complaints to make about it other than how it's difficult to get out of the game... For some reason, when I press "exit game", the "option menu book" closes and hovers on the screen with nothing happening... After a few minutes, it finally goes back to steam/windows. Nothing a patch can't fix.

pezus said:
Hynad said:
pezus said:
@zarx: How is the Castlevania port? I see mixed user reviews on metacritic

It's the definitive version, that's for sure. It runs so smooth compared to the console versions. And suprisingly enough, the game isn't that demanding as far as specs requirements are concerned. A friend of mine runs the game on a dual core AMD processor (don't know which one) with a 9800GT and it runs quite well with very decent fps.

I hadn't bought the DLCs for the game, and they're included in this version. 

I play it with the logitech F710 and it feels just like the console version I played (I have the PS3 version). 

I have no complaints to make about it other than how it's difficult to get out of the game... For some reason, when I press "exit game", the "option menu book" closes and hovers on the screen with nothing happening... After a few minutes, it finally goes back to steam/windows. Nothing a patch can't fix.

That's good to hear. I never played it on console yet I was always very interested in it. 

Some people on metacritic were saying the game looked like something from 2005 or 2006, but I'm going to assume it looks at least as good as the console version?

 It looks better, because of better AA, ambiant occlusion, and it runs in 1080p at 60fps on my PC. Compared to the consoles weak AA, struggling 30fps and 720 resolution.

I don't know the reason of those complaints... It looked amazing when it came out on consoles, and to my eyes, it still looks really good today... They didn't alter the models or whatever. But I really like how smooth it runs. Maybe I just don't expect as much from the visuals of my games as those complainers...