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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U CPU Weaker than PS360

o_O.Q said:
archbrix said:
o_O.Q said:
...i like how someone gets called a a 12 year old just for stating their opinion

Point taken, and yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But you have to admit that when someone resorts to saying, "P-100 is a crappy cartoony looking game, which looks like an original XBOX game in HD", it makes most of us question the credibility of one's knowledge.  It would be downright impossible for that game - as it currently exists on WiiU - to be on a 6th gen console, even if it somehow ran in the exact same resolution.

I mean, one could say something like, "Uncharted 3 looks like it could have been done on the PS2, ony in HD".  That would be their opinion, but most people (including myself), would not value their opinion much as a knowledgeable source.   

so you think calling him a 12 year old is justifiable?

if he wasn't impressed he wasn't impressed

after watching a couple videos for it myself i wasn't that impressed either, although i wouldn't go as far as calling it xbox level 

I'm not saying I found calling him a 12 year old justifiable - I thought I made that clear?

I'm saying that statements like that make me question if an individual really knows much about the subject matter they're discussing.  Doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to express his opinion... same as myself.

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haxxiy said:
We know the amount of cores, we know the amount of cache memory and we know the architecture being used,so...

Apparently Power 7 uses 8 instructions per cycle, per core, based off 12 execution units and using 4 threads per core. Assuming 3 GHz, the Wii-U theoretically could pack 24 GFLOPS per core and 72 GFLOPS total, just about the same the X360 manages with the Xenon - setting it's extra vector units aside - but with twice the amount of possible physical threads and twice the cache. So... maybe is a bit slower but more versatile? It could surely use the extra punch in the GPU to cover it's deficiency on number crunching compared to the Xenon at least.

Also, someone posting earlier in the thread got it wrong. The Xenon and the CBE weren't "low CPUs with high clocks"; their design was pretty much top of the line when they released, but their clocks were relatively low compared to what the Power architecture usually achieves. The same, to an extent, goes for the Wii-U.

They are not going to be using a stock Power 7 chip in the Wii U. 4 SMT threads is not very useful in games so they will likely cut that down to 2 as the additional latency added by the longer pipelines is not worth the gains in threading for games.

As for execution units some of them are designed for financial and Scientific applications and will likely be cut from the Wii U as they have no real application in games, Nintendo are big about optomising everything down to just what they need these days.

I mean IBM call it a all-new architecture (bassed on Power 7)

"The all-new, Power-based microprocessor will pack some of IBM's most advanced technology into an energy-saving silicon package that will power Nintendo's brand new entertainment experience for consumers worldwide."

So you really can't use the Power 7 specs for comparison, for a start the most recent detailed leak says that the CPU has 3MB of L2 (total for 3 cores) vs 256KB per core standard for Power 7 chips and no L3 cache where as Power 7 uses huge L3 caches up to 32MB.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

lilbroex said:
usrevenge said:
looks like there will be weak physics and no decent RTS's for the wii-u...

Exept the console has already demonstrated both superior physics to the current gen consoles and micromangament of large individual units in P-100....

Can I have a link to these beyong current gen physics? Oh and if you point me towards the P-100 video of the cracking road I will just laugh at you for a bit and then tell you that a scripted event of the road cracking is animation and will happen the exact same every time and isn't a physics simulation.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Not assumed by these stories, by that I mean the lack of power. How can a next gen system even confuse people, or give a thought that it isn't vastly more powerful. Shame.

zarx said:
lilbroex said:
usrevenge said:
looks like there will be weak physics and no decent RTS's for the wii-u...

Exept the console has already demonstrated both superior physics to the current gen consoles and micromangament of large individual units in P-100....

Can I have a link to these beyong current gen physics? Oh and if you point me towards the P-100 video of the cracking road I will just laugh at you for a bit and then tell you that a scripted event of the road cracking is animation and will happen the exact same every time and isn't a physics simulation.

Through the entire gameplay video you can see heavy physics in use. Secondly, all events are scripted in any game, elswise nothing would happen. even a single boulder falling and you rolling it around. That isn't CGI. To run such a thing in real time requires real resources and it wasn't just the roads. They react to your movement as well as the building in the back ground all while managing you characters with their physics and abilities at 60 FPS all with fluid, detailed animation. Nice try, with the attempt at throwing shade over that one scene though.

Third(in case you were unware), even the original Wii could handle strategy amd physics on a high scale.

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zarx said:
haxxiy said:
We know the amount of cores, we know the amount of cache memory and we know the architecture being used,so...

Apparently Power 7 uses 8 instructions per cycle, per core, based off 12 execution units and using 4 threads per core. Assuming 3 GHz, the Wii-U theoretically could pack 24 GFLOPS per core and 72 GFLOPS total, just about the same the X360 manages with the Xenon - setting it's extra vector units aside - but with twice the amount of possible physical threads and twice the cache. So... maybe is a bit slower but more versatile? It could surely use the extra punch in the GPU to cover it's deficiency on number crunching compared to the Xenon at least.

Also, someone posting earlier in the thread got it wrong. The Xenon and the CBE weren't "low CPUs with high clocks"; their design was pretty much top of the line when they released, but their clocks were relatively low compared to what the Power architecture usually achieves. The same, to an extent, goes for the Wii-U.

They are not going to be using a stock Power 7 chip in the Wii U. 4 SMT threads is not very useful in games so they will likely cut that down to 2 as the additional latency added by the longer pipelines is not worth the gains in threading for games.

As for execution units some of them are designed for financial and Scientific applications and will likely be cut from the Wii U as they have no real application in games, Nintendo are big about optomising everything down to just what they need these days.

I mean IBM call it a all-new architecture (bassed on Power 7)

"The all-new, Power-based microprocessor will pack some of IBM's most advanced technology into an energy-saving silicon package that will power Nintendo's brand new entertainment experience for consumers worldwide."

So you really can't use the Power 7 specs for comparison, for a start the most recent detailed leak says that the CPU has 3MB of L2 (total for 3 cores) vs 256KB per core standard for Power 7 chips and no L3 cache where as Power 7 uses huge L3 caches up to 32MB.

Really? I was pretty sure I read it would use "huge amounts of L3 cache" so maybe the original design got substituted for a more custom design, anyways I don't think it is likely they are going to tram stock features haphazardly considering how, mmm, cheap the processor already is, and how they need some extra punch as opposed to a reduction of two cents on manufacturing costs.






archbrix said:
o_O.Q said:
archbrix said:
o_O.Q said:
...i like how someone gets called a a 12 year old just for stating their opinion

Point taken, and yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But you have to admit that when someone resorts to saying, "P-100 is a crappy cartoony looking game, which looks like an original XBOX game in HD", it makes most of us question the credibility of one's knowledge.  It would be downright impossible for that game - as it currently exists on WiiU - to be on a 6th gen console, even if it somehow ran in the exact same resolution.

I mean, one could say something like, "Uncharted 3 looks like it could have been done on the PS2, ony in HD".  That would be their opinion, but most people (including myself), would not value their opinion much as a knowledgeable source.   

so you think calling him a 12 year old is justifiable?

if he wasn't impressed he wasn't impressed

after watching a couple videos for it myself i wasn't that impressed either, although i wouldn't go as far as calling it xbox level 

I'm not saying I found calling him a 12 year old justifiable - I thought I made that clear?

I'm saying that statements like that make me question if an individual really knows much about the subject matter they're discussing.  Doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to express his opinion... same as myself.

I think it was completely justifiable. On one hand, you have a poster taking his time to explain the technical aspects, what exactly you're seeing, you know, facts. Then you have a fanboy responding with, basically, it sucks! It looks worst!

So yeah, completely justified.

"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."

lilbroex said:

Through the entire gameplay video you can see heavy physics in use. Secondly, all events are scripted in any game, elswise nothing would happen. even a single boulder falling and you rolling it around. That isn't CGI. To run such a thing in real time requires real resources and it wasn't just the roads. They react to your movement as well as the building in the back ground all while managing you characters with their physics and abilities at 60 FPS all with fluid, detailed animation. Nice try, with the attempt at throwing shade over that one scene though.

Third(in case you were unware), even the original Wii could handle strategy amd physics on a high scale.

There is a difference between stuff like the road cracking up due to a script which all games do, AKA baked physics and realtime physics. prebaked uses very little proccessing power and all games use it and there is nothing special about anything I have seen on the Wii U. Saying that Wii games also have physics does nothing to help your case of the Wii U having physics beyond what is on the PS3/360.

There is nothing in P-100 that looks better than games of current gen even for prebaked physics, take this scene from Uncahrted 2 which combines prebaked physics with the building collapsing plus realtime physics for the smaller objects.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:
lilbroex said:

Through the entire gameplay video you can see heavy physics in use. Secondly, all events are scripted in any game, elswise nothing would happen. even a single boulder falling and you rolling it around. That isn't CGI. To run such a thing in real time requires real resources and it wasn't just the roads. They react to your movement as well as the building in the back ground all while managing you characters with their physics and abilities at 60 FPS all with fluid, detailed animation. Nice try, with the attempt at throwing shade over that one scene though.

Third(in case you were unware), even the original Wii could handle strategy amd physics on a high scale.

There is a difference between stuff like the road cracking up due to a script which all games do, AKA baked physics and realtime physics. prebaked uses very little proccessing power and all games use it and there is nothing special about anything I have seen on the Wii U. Saying that Wii games also have physics does nothing to help your case of the Wii U having physics beyond what is on the PS3/360.

There is nothing in P-100 that looks better than games of current gen even for prebaked physics, take this scene from Uncahrted 2 which combines prebaked physics with the building collapsing plus realtime physics for the smaller objects.

You sound just like that dude from yesterday with that "looks better". How appealing you find it makes absolutely no difference. What is being done is what is being done. There is nothing extremely complex going on in that scene from Uncharted, its no where near a fluid, its not over a range that is as large, there are not 20 inidivdual characters on the screen at once with there own phsyics and animation, there are not as many texture effects in use, the lighting isn't a detailed and the textures themselves aren't nearly as high res.

The physics you are showing in Uncharted are simplistic. The Wii has used physics on that level believe or not, in elebits which was an unoptimized release game using early GC based dev kits. The game I showed you in the photo.

zarx said:
lilbroex said:

Through the entire gameplay video you can see heavy physics in use. Secondly, all events are scripted in any game, elswise nothing would happen. even a single boulder falling and you rolling it around. That isn't CGI. To run such a thing in real time requires real resources and it wasn't just the roads. They react to your movement as well as the building in the back ground all while managing you characters with their physics and abilities at 60 FPS all with fluid, detailed animation. Nice try, with the attempt at throwing shade over that one scene though.

Third(in case you were unware), even the original Wii could handle strategy amd physics on a high scale.

There is a difference between stuff like the road cracking up due to a script which all games do, AKA baked physics and realtime physics. prebaked uses very little proccessing power and all games use it and there is nothing special about anything I have seen on the Wii U. Saying that Wii games also have physics does nothing to help your case of the Wii U having physics beyond what is on the PS3/360.

There is nothing in P-100 that looks better than games of current gen even for prebaked physics, take this scene from Uncahrted 2 which combines prebaked physics with the building collapsing plus realtime physics for the smaller objects.


Meh, looks like your standard box-box collision detection and response with particle embellishments.  This type of stuff has been done for like 15 years, at least.  Really good modern physics involves things like fluid dynamics, randomly destructible objects with accurate collision detection on the newly defined meshes,  accurate deformations based on physical properties,  realistic wave interactions, etc.  I would suggest a better example to make your point then a bunch of boxes flying around…


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