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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote Now! gamrConnect Most Wanted: August 2012

1.Shin Megami Tenshei 4 (3DS)
 2.Metal Gear Revengeance (PS3)
3.FF Versus
4.Tales of Xillia (PS3)
5.One piece pirate something (PS3)

Around the Network
Kresnik said:
Is this still going, can I still vote?

Yes. We have a new one of thewse every month, and they get stickied soon after the month begins.

All PC
1. Darksiders 2
2. Bioshock: Infinite
3. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
4. Metro: Last light
5. Sleeping Dogs

So hard to pick, Dark Souls would be up there except I have doubts about the port, Borderlands 2 is right up there, Dishonoured looks great, Tomb Raider looks promising. And there are lots of other games I have my eye on

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

1. NSMB2 (3DS)
2. Epic Mickey 2 (Wii)
3. GTA V (PS3)
4. NSMBU (Wii U)
5. Rayman Legends (Wii U)


1. Half-Life 3 (PC)
2. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (PC)
3. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (PC)
4. Metro: Last Light (PC)
5. Grand Theft Auto V (PC)

Around the Network

1. NBA 2k13 (PS3)


3.NCAA 13 (PS3)

4. MADDEN NFL 13 (PS3)

We're now over 600 points. Just one week left!

1. The Last of Us (PS3)
2. Guild Wars 2 (PC)
3. COD: Black Ops 2 (PS3)
4. South Park: The stick of Truth (PC)
5. Anarchy Reigns (PS3)

1. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
2. The Last Story (Wii)
3. NSMBU (Wii U)
4. NSMB2 (3DS)
5. Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

The PS3 alone has about 45% of all points. The Vita and PSP combined, meanwhile, are at about 2%.

Moral of the story: PlayStation fans are common, but apparently don't care about handheld games.