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Forums - Website Topics - The fall from grace

pezus said:
Funtime said:
I agree 100%. This site has become ridiculously slow loading, and the advertisements are just obnoxious at this point. My wife was watching me browse the site on my laptop and asked me if our computer had a virus when I kept getting redirected to ads with every other click...

Don't even get me started on how the site is basically incompatible with IE. How incompetent must someone be in the year 2012 for their website not to function properly on the world's mot popular browser? I don't care about all of the nerds that want to scream that Chrome and Firefox are better anyway. That's not the point.

Huh? Both Chrome and Firefox passed IE long ago.

I'm pretty sure IE is still the most popular browser. The link you posted has pretty much zero relevance as well. It is the percentage of people using browsers who are visiting that one single website. The site itself even has a disclaimer saying their average user is obviously more clued in about computers and so it isn't representative. 

Edit: This site seems to take data from search engines which I guess would be fairly accurate. Shows Chrome has in the last few months taken first with 32.43% compared to IE's 32.12%. While firefox is quite a way behind. So yea like I said that link of yours isn't very relevant. 

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

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spurgeonryan said:
pezus said:
Funtime said:
I agree 100%. This site has become ridiculously slow loading, and the advertisements are just obnoxious at this point. My wife was watching me browse the site on my laptop and asked me if our computer had a virus when I kept getting redirected to ads with every other click...

Don't even get me started on how the site is basically incompatible with IE. How incompetent must someone be in the year 2012 for their website not to function properly on the world's mot popular browser? I don't care about all of the nerds that want to scream that Chrome and Firefox are better anyway. That's not the point.

Huh? Both Chrome and Firefox passed IE long ago.

Iam guessing that he thinks since so many have some sort of Windows program that they just settle with I.E.

One would naturally assume such a thing, would they not? And upon researching it, it turns out I wasn't too far off. Chrome just recently (May 2012) pased IE as the most used browser worldwide for a full month. It had pased it before, but never for longer than a week. The difference is less than 1% between the 2, and Firefox sill lags behind IE. However, stats taken that same month based on unique users still has IE way ahead of both Chrome and Firefox with 54% to a meager 19% and 20% for Chrome and Firefox repectively.

Back to my orginal point, though, it is ridiculous for any web site to function as poorly as this one on IE, and I say that as a Chrome user first and foremost.

EVERY SITE will be regarded by you as being on a downward spiral from the moment you join. It will have peaked on the exact day that you joined. This is because more people join, the community grows, older members leave and you no longer feel at home.

I will, however, grant you that the missing features are a problem. Rest assured that the entire mod team is unanimous on wanting the Prediction League, the charts and the IM back. But it's not our decision, and ioi is busy with Gamewise.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

spurgeonryan said:

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
I hate to say it, but no matter how much I love this site.... Its freaking slow.

Plus the trouble the I had to get to just to get an avatar sorted when I started here was just appalling...You mean just click "upload"? :P


I have a prehistoric computer and never have any problem with the site speed. Not sure what you all are doing wrong. Get Comcast internet!

Really dude? I was just saying my experiences from what happened when I got here. Dont judge me. 


VGC, Dutch football...there are always ups & downs.

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
I hate to say it, but no matter how much I love this site.... Its freaking slow.

Plus the trouble the I had to get to just to get an avatar sorted when I started here was just appalling...You mean just click "upload"? :P


I have a prehistoric computer and never have any problem with the site speed. Not sure what you all are doing wrong. Get Comcast internet!

It's worth me saying that, although it's trivial to click "upload" once you've found it, it's not trivial to find the upload option. That is, it takes a good 5 minutes of searching to find the right page.

Also, the problem with site speed isn't about the speed of the computer, but the way that the internet operates locally. It takes a good ten seconds for me to load up vgchartz when I first visit after booting the computer (once a heap of things are in cache, it's faster).

Kantor said:

EVERY SITE will be regarded by you as being on a downward spiral from the moment you join. It will have peaked on the exact day that you joined. This is because more people join, the community grows, older members leave and you no longer feel at home.

I will, however, grant you that the missing features are a problem. Rest assured that the entire mod team is unanimous on wanting the Prediction League, the charts and the IM back. But it's not our decision, and ioi is busy with Gamewise.

Funny, when The Wiire Boards were still around, I joined in April 2006 (revolution report, at that time), and the forums peaked somewhere around mid 2008 (and before anyone draws any connection to the Wii, I'll point out that the decline began when the owner started screwing around with news formats, leading to the editor-in-chief and the main content-writer to both leave).

If people are reacting negatively to the site changes, it's not because they're resisting change, or that they think things were at their peak when they first joined.

The sales data has certainly declined, at least for free users. I remember the good ole days of the top 200 games every week, comment section right under them, prediction league, etc. Now I really just use this site for the forums, which still does the job. I can't really bear to look at the sales data too much any more anyway these days, far too depressing.

pezus said:
Funtime said:
I agree 100%. This site has become ridiculously slow loading, and the advertisements are just obnoxious at this point. My wife was watching me browse the site on my laptop and asked me if our computer had a virus when I kept getting redirected to ads with every other click...

Don't even get me started on how the site is basically incompatible with IE. How incompetent must someone be in the year 2012 for their website not to function properly on the world's mot popular browser? I don't care about all of the nerds that want to scream that Chrome and Firefox are better anyway. That's not the point.

Huh? Both Chrome and Firefox passed IE long ago.

I wasn't aware that Chrome was the most used browser now. Glad to see it because it's by far the best browser out there.

Zim said:
pezus said:
Funtime said:
I agree 100%. This site has become ridiculously slow loading, and the advertisements are just obnoxious at this point. My wife was watching me browse the site on my laptop and asked me if our computer had a virus when I kept getting redirected to ads with every other click...

Don't even get me started on how the site is basically incompatible with IE. How incompetent must someone be in the year 2012 for their website not to function properly on the world's mot popular browser? I don't care about all of the nerds that want to scream that Chrome and Firefox are better anyway. That's not the point.

Huh? Both Chrome and Firefox passed IE long ago.

I'm pretty sure IE is still the most popular browser. The link you posted has pretty much zero relevance as well. It is the percentage of people using browsers who are visiting that one single website. The site itself even has a disclaimer saying their average user is obviously more clued in about computers and so it isn't representative. 

Edit: This site seems to take data from search engines which I guess would be fairly accurate. Shows Chrome has in the last few months taken first with 32.43% compared to IE's 32.12%. While firefox is quite a way behind. So yea like I said that link of yours isn't very relevant. 

This does in no way change the fact, however, that IE is a massive piece of shit.