PullusPardus said:
How do you keep up with Adventure games? , Is there a blog or something? , I love adventure games and always looking for new ones.
In Germany I have several dedicated adventure gaming websites to choose from, e.g. my favourite one www.adventure-treff.de. Plus: Unlike general English speaking gaming websites, most general German gaming websites still treat graphic/point&click adventure games as an own genre, e.g. http://tinyurl.com/bvmaook (subselection PC => adventure shows only point&click, text, FMV, quicktime and casual adventure games). For comparison, subselection PC => "adventure" on VGC: http://tinyurl.com/btxwvat
There are dedicated English speaking adventure websites too, e.g. www.adventurelantern.com , but if you're interested in the genre you actually only need to know one: www.adventuregamers.com . It's by far the largest and best English speaking site for the genre.