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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rumour: leaked 56 Page Xbox roadmap - Removed by a law firm associated with MS

sega4life said:
D-Joe said:
zarx said:




well,VGC need a thread for next-gen xbox,don't wanna see these thread everyday

You can always ignore the thread,  because chances are there will be allot of them until the announcement is made.

Shit, beats the 'comment on the user below you, above you,' threads.

too think we have threads were we talk about systems.... I mean who wants that? o_O

ignore me is easier

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Seems legit alright. As far as that type of power with Kinect 2.0 at $299.... Microsoft has already began expanding their pilot program of subsidizing the cost of the 360 with a 2 year XBL agreement. This will definitely move forward and be expanded to Next Gen. Impressive indeed.

nothing out of the ordinary in this rumor, most rumors are obvious fake because of bad specs but nothing shown looks unreasonable, looking at the gpu clock rate it could be on par with the amd 7770.


Update: The document was removed from Scribd due to copyright infringement, at the request of a law firm named Covington and Burling. The firm worked with Microsoft as recently as this past April, when it advised Microsoft in its patent settlement case with Facebook. Microsoft still hasn't responded to request for comment.

So seems like it is real then (tho it could be a fake and they took it down beacuse it uses the MS brand), the specs and stuff are obviously pretty meaningless tho, just a rough goal from 2 years ago based on current projections, things like that will change a lot in that span. Same with date and their far out there plan like augmented reality and streaming tho they will probably deliver those things in some form eventually.

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Looks legit. How does this compare to Sony and Nintendos new systems?

I like that it's at least 8x more powerful than the current Xbox 360 - wasn't that near what Tim Sweeney (Unreal Engine 4) wanted, or was it 12x - can't find the link.

And separating the Kinect into two sections, each with their own color camera - would help capture and 3D transmission look better.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

8x power of Xbox 360 combined with 120w power draw makes this SUPER FAKE, god knows why they had this withdrawn unless the rest of the document actually made sense.

For comparison sake, a modern graphics card's peak power draw can be between 250-300w - JUST the graphics card, and that's on 28nm process.

zarx said:

So seems like it is real then (tho it could be a fake and they took it down beacuse it uses the MS brand), the specs and stuff are obviously pretty meaningless tho, just a rough goal from 2 years ago based on current projections, things like that will change a lot in that span. Same with date and their far out there plan like augmented reality and streaming tho they will probably deliver those things in some form eventually.

who know what they changed,but i bet the plan won't have big change


and we get another thread for just talking about same thing

i hope you can change this thread to something like "next-gen Xbox rumor/leak/news discussion thread" etc

This is what I said in another thread. I don't know which one I should follow.


Isn't the  "The block diagram below shows a system with a 6-8 core x86 or ARM-based CPU, 4GBs of RAM, a separate ARM-based, dual core embedded CPU for low power media functionality, AND the original tri-core PowerPC CPU from the 360 for backwards compatibility." part pretty impressive?

I am not a hardware tech nerd at all, but the differences to the Wii U seems to be majore ones.

Leaked Wii U features:

  • Three cores (fully coherent)
  • 1.5 GB RAM
  • AMD Radeon 6770

Leaked Xbox 3 features:

  • 6-8 cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 8 times Xbox 360s GPU
  • HDD
  • BluRay
  • Kinect v2

Xbox 360 features

  • 3 cores
  • 512 MB
  • 500 Mhz AMD GPU

Sounds pretty powerful to me. $299 would be awesome with these specs.

And it would put a lot of pressure on Sony. They can't afford to sell their hardware at a loss with all their financial problems and they should not be much more expensive than $299 when Nintendo and Microsoft are in this price range. So their task will be to build a console as powerful as this one for $349 max.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...