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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Introducing Microsoft Surface - Windows 8 first tablet and a full Microsoft hardware/software solution!


Will you buy one if the RT is ~$500 and Pro is ~$900

yes 115 52.27%
no 79 35.91%
see resultz 23 10.45%

MS entering the hardware market has the potential to upset their OEM partners with increased competition. I think they were quick to point out the cost parity so that no one will think that they'll unfairly price their hardware below market prices.

Around the Network

That's a nice looking device, the kickstand and keyboard/cover are pretty slick ideas. Full PC in the form of a tablet hybrid may make me buy this but most likely not til second gen. It's good to see MS step it up and surprise everyone, between Halo 4 and this, I feel optimistic about the next Xbox.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

endimion said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
superchunk said:
Pjams said:

As a gamer, I still have no idea why I would want this over any if it's competitors, or why would I want it over a PSV, am I missing something?

Why is this a big deal, it's just a tablet right? That's serious question, I have not formed an opinion.


Edit: "it's also vital to note that the WinRT variant won't ship with a 1080p panel, but a paltry 1366 x 768" - engadget

Is your PC literally only used for "core" (my emphasis) gaming? As such, then no portable device is probably justified to you as they don't do that.. yet.

As a general purpose laptop/tablet this is perfect. Especially with its obvious eventual massive integration with a desktop PC and for those with Xbox.

Does it take in CD's and DVD's?

for what purpose....??? i haven't used a cd or a dvd beside xbox video games in a decade.... 

You know for CD based programs, etc?

That ultrabook/tablet hybrid looks really really good. Whilst I was hoping for some form of Windows 8 phone announcement this is still pretty awesome.

I just hope it isn't too horribly expensive.

Wow, that looks like "the" tablet. Im buying one if it isnt expensive here in mexico.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
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Around the Network
yo_john117 said:
That ultrabook/tablet hybrid looks really really good. Whilst I was hoping for some form of Windows 8 phone announcement this is still pretty awesome.

I just hope it isn't too horribly expensive.

Windows phone conference is on Thursday.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

You know for CD based programs, etc?

While that is technically true, there will be usb ports for external and more importantly, pretty much anything can be digitally downloaded and installed. I don't remember the last time I had to install something via disc.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
endimion said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
superchunk said:
Pjams said:

As a gamer, I still have no idea why I would want this over any if it's competitors, or why would I want it over a PSV, am I missing something?

Why is this a big deal, it's just a tablet right? That's serious question, I have not formed an opinion.


Edit: "it's also vital to note that the WinRT variant won't ship with a 1080p panel, but a paltry 1366 x 768" - engadget

Is your PC literally only used for "core" (my emphasis) gaming? As such, then no portable device is probably justified to you as they don't do that.. yet.

As a general purpose laptop/tablet this is perfect. Especially with its obvious eventual massive integration with a desktop PC and for those with Xbox.

Does it take in CD's and DVD's?

for what purpose....??? i haven't used a cd or a dvd beside xbox video games in a decade.... 

You know for CD based programs, etc?

every pc game or piece of software are available digitally.... sometime even for cheaper.... I mean cd and dvd are terrible storage solution.... drives take room battery power and produce heat.... for new ultra portable device you are better off to have SD cards or USB storage solution... it makes more sens.... cd and dvd are the 21st century floppy disk...  by 2020 the only place you'll find one is on desktops and mostly because companies will need for old cd or dvd they still have....

but if people really want one you can find cd dvd rw combo external for 20 bucks or so.... so really a non issue here.... i almost bought one the other day thought about it for 10 min and realized i have no disc to put in (beside the couple dvds i never watch anymore) instead i'm gonna get that

i seriously wonder why people keep buying productivity software on dvd or cd when you can have all of them on a single storage device.... do people really love the office or creative suite box art that much??? 

I'd like to know more about the software restrictions with Windows 8 RT. Is there a list available of compatible software?

I understand it will be more akin to Windows Mobile Phone 8 (if not the same?), does this mean Metro UI downloadable apps only?

Thanks in advance.


  • kickstand
  • keyboard
  • Windows 8
  • USB 2.0 (!!!)
  • comes with MS Office (for the RT version)


  • No word about pricing.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...