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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the WiiU made Sony and Microsoft irrelevant?

this joke is a joke i dont understand

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Carl2291 said:
You dont really "get back" at people like Turkish. You just laugh at them

Carl, I found it, the HD Twin killer!

Miyamoto's FPS!!

this isnt your craft happyD. i feel more awkward than anything right now.

Yup, happy?

happydolphin said:
Millenium said:
So your solution to two silly thread from the two other camps is making a silly Nintendo threads?

Very dissapoint HappyD... :(

Yes but at least mine's a joke, theirs' isn't.

True :p

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happydolphin said:
Carl2291 said:
You dont really "get back" at people like Turkish. You just laugh at them

Carl, I found it, the HD Twin killer!

Miyamoto's FPS!!


Nintendo ripping off others yet again! 

Revenge threads will get locked from now on (more than ever). Especially when they don't deliver a clear visible and/or well formulated point.

No, people like core and mature games.

Is this really supposed to be a joke thread? Without those Gifs I would have thought it would have been serious. XD