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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii U supports 1080p, CPU and GPU confirmed - UPDATE: Spec sheet! 1.5 GB RAM, 3 core PowerPC CPU etc. Thread now includes FREE Icelandic lessons!

ethomaz said:
forest-spirit said:

I want Smash Bros. to support six players!

Two Wii U's pad controllers causes fps drop .

Hence the Pro controller.

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They're awfully tight lipped over a product that's supposedly launching in a few months.

i thought i was gonna read some new stuff

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Reads "CPU and GPU confirmed"

Then reads "The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU"

Fuck you!

Hey, don't kill the messenger!

It's almost confirmed that it is indeed more powerful than PS3/360. Even the launch games and 3rd party ports look better than the PS3/360 games.

lol Ofcourse, but we knew that anyway. As I wrote in some other thread... "Judging by pikmin and zombiU, the Wii U isn't a big leap over PS360 hardware-wise. ZombiU looked like a good looking PS360 game with better AA and slightly better lighting and textures."

Bring the hell on Orbis and Durango! next E3 x_x

I saw fancy looking effects and great lighting in most of the Wii U games. Along with almost no aliasing. Reminded me of PC ports of multiplatform games!

Maybe, but not a high end PC running them. Looks like a console game on the equivalent of med settings turned to high with better AA. Noticeable, but not a big leap. Impressive, but not amazing. WATCH_DOGs looked a lot better than ZombiU or Pikmin imo. 

This is just like the spec sheet they released for Wii at E3 2006: name the manufacturer and vaguely class the CPU and GPU, and then put in super-basic information.

I imagine more details are going to trickle in throughout today and tomorrow, but the real points aren't going to come in until sometime in September, i say, when they'll have a day to finalize price, release date, and launch lineup.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Don't ever expect specifications from Nintendo. Wait until the console releases and people tear it apart.

pezus said:


The Wii U supports 1080p, Nintendo has confirmed.

The video output in full: 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, Wii D-Terminal, Wii Component Video, Wii RGB, Wii S-Video Stereo AV and Wii AV.

In a technical specs sheet published today, Nintendo revealed new information on the home console, due out in time for Christmas.

The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU.

The Wii U can support two Wii U GamePad controllers, up to four Wii Remote (or Wii Remote Plus) controllers or Wii U Pro Controllers, and Wii accessories such as the Nunchuk, Classic Controller and Wii Balance Board.

Wii U uses internal flash memory. It also supports SD memory cards and external USB storage. The media used is Wii U and Wii optical discs.

As for networking, Wii U can access the internet via wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) connection. Ite features four USB 2.0 connectors - two in the front and two in the rear - that support Wii LAN Adapters.

And audio: Wii U uses six-channel PCM linear output via HDMI connector, or analog output via the AV Multi Out connector.

Elsewhere, Nintendo confirmed it is working with Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video and YouTube to bring video to Wii U. These experiences will take advantage of the integrated second-screen experience, Nintendo said.


All of this was revealed last year. You just had to go to the e3.nintendo website to see it. 

WTH pezus. Made me think there was specific info on the GPU and CPU.


pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Reads "CPU and GPU confirmed"

Then reads "The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU"

Fuck you!

Hey, don't kill the messenger!

It's almost confirmed that it is indeed more powerful than PS3/360. Even the launch games and 3rd party ports look better than the PS3/360 games.

LOL! You seriously think that, Pezus? They showed almost nothing...

yo they will not be getting any of my money its looks like the gamecube and will all over again with all of that kiddy shit