pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said: Reads "CPU and GPU confirmed" Then reads "The CPU is an IBM Power-based multi-core processor. The GPU is an AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU" Fuck you! |
Hey, don't kill the messenger!
It's almost confirmed that it is indeed more powerful than PS3/360. Even the launch games and 3rd party ports look better than the PS3/360 games.
lol Ofcourse, but we knew that anyway. As I wrote in some other thread... "Judging by pikmin and zombiU, the Wii U isn't a big leap over PS360 hardware-wise. ZombiU looked like a good looking PS360 game with better AA and slightly better lighting and textures."
Bring the hell on Orbis and Durango! next E3 x_x
I saw fancy looking effects and great lighting in most of the Wii U games. Along with almost no aliasing. Reminded me of PC ports of multiplatform games!
Maybe, but not a high end PC running them. Looks like a console game on the equivalent of med settings turned to high with better AA. Noticeable, but not a big leap. Impressive, but not amazing. WATCH_DOGs looked a lot better than ZombiU or Pikmin imo.