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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Las of Us & Halo 4 Raise the Bar for Console Graphics.

CGI-Quality said:

I wholeheartedly disagree. The sequel had much crisper textures, better water effects, better lighting (by far), smoother and richer character models and an entire host of other advantages.

As Naughty Dog said, there was no downgrade between the E3 2011 demo and final game. And call me crazy, but I wasn't as impressed with the E3 2011 demo as I was with the final product. Lighting and character textures seemed vastly improved in the final product.

I'll take your word then. I have only played through uncharted 2, and my uncharted 3 experience was watching a friend play through bits and pieces of uncharted 3 on an entirely different tv, so you would know better. Either way though I suspect that halo 4 footage was specifically one of the more narrow, less intense levels because they are still working on getting acceptable fps on the bigger levels. Either that or, no other developer has even attempted to develop a good game, because the demo looked better than any other 360 game I've seen despite the fact that it will feature splitscreen coop and supposedly will have bigger levels than any previous halo game.

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You 360 fanatics(stereotype) said the same exact thing about halo reach being the best looking game on a console.. and pushing the 360 to it's limit., then it came out and looked horrible next to killzone 2..


leo-j said:
You 360 fanatics(stereotype) said the same exact thing about halo reach being the best looking game on a console.. and pushing the 360 to it's limit., then it came out and looked horrible next to killzone 2..


Halo was never about graphic powerhouse... it's more about multiplayer gameplay (anyway Halo 3 > Halo: Reach).

Can Halo 4 be more like Halo 3 than Reach??? Please.

I hate that they Callofdutyfied Halo by adding a voice that constantly holds your hand (Cortana instead of Price & MacTavish).

Slimebeast said:
I hate that they Callofdutyfied Halo by adding a voice that constantly holds your hand (Cortana instead of Price & MacTavish).

You know they've had Cortana in your head saying stuff ever since the first Halo right?

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Lol sony fans seem upset because Halo 4 destroys pretty much everything on Ps3.

Also Gears 3 looks as good as everything on Ps3 maybe except uc3.

leo-j said:
You 360 fanatics(stereotype) said the same exact thing about halo reach being the best looking game on a console.. and pushing the 360 to it's limit., then it came out and looked horrible next to killzone 2..

yeah maybe some said it but halo was about gameplay, open areas, great a.i. and not about super graphics dumping down the rest for that. but this time it is a huge difference and ohh yeah i hope they don't dump down other things in halo just to get better graphcis like in killzone, then they should makes graphics little bit worse instead of that.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw Halo 4 was Killzone 3. Thats a compliment

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yo_john117 said:
Slimebeast said:
I hate that they Callofdutyfied Halo by adding a voice that constantly holds your hand (Cortana instead of Price & MacTavish).

You know they've had Cortana in your head saying stuff ever since the first Halo right?

Yeah but that was before Modern Warfare. In past Halo games (at least in Halo 3 and before. I haven't played much of ODST or Reach to be honest) she mostly just talked during cut-scenes.

In MW somebody is constantly talking to the player and telling you exactly what to do and where to look. Now it seems Halo finally admitted defeat to the king, COD, and added that same annoying feature so that, god forbid, the player may never be lost. I was so pissed off watching that E3 Halo 4 demo. Cortana just wouldn't shut up.

Speaking of voices. Since when is Master Chief talking?

Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.